Autistic, agender, formerly abused child

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Miami Seaquarium applies for a permit to capture Keiko and bring him to their tank in Miami, which is smaller than the tank he was saved from in Mexico City. The application is rejected on the grounds that Norway has jurisdiction and has stated flatly that Keiko will not be captured because he is just fine, and they don’t believe orcas should be held in captivity anyway.

    All these Aquariums and “experts”/media channels that spread misinformation have a lot to answer for. He may not have joined a pod but which pod is going to let a random middle aged guy with a weird accent around their calves? That would have taken time Keiko didn’t have. I’m glad orcas are phased out of aquariums who can’t care for them.

  • The weirdest thing about this discourse is that people against it somehow seem to be very convinced self diagnosis is exclusively done based on internet memes or something along those lines. I spend years researching, reading multiple books by actual experts, reading scientific publications and hanging out in autism spaces to see if I fit in.

    … Almost like somebody who tends to … Oh idk have a special interest.

    And the contra side also dismisses privilege. It’s known that autism is under diagnosed in minorities. And things like I’d need to travel 5 hours (one way) multiple times to get a diagnosis. Potentially staying overnight. They’d want to talk to my abusive parents. I’m chronically ill. It’s not realistic and I live in a country that has reasonable health care. I wouldn’t magically be employable afterwards anyway or have some other tangible benefit. I’d just get somebody in a 15 € white coat tell me what I already know. Or dismiss me because they read me as the wrong gender and yolo autistic people don’t have humor.

  • I find my perspective changing a bit as I age. As a species I still think we are a net negative, at the very least since industrialisation started. But no cog in the wheel individual holds responsibility for the species. The big decision makers, the big polluters, yes that’s different. And I think it’s our duty to hold them accountable as much as we can. Obviously the system is stacked against accountability. Difficult position to be in and no easy answers.

    On an individual level tho there are also a LOT of humans who do a lot of good. Collecting plastic, renaturalising wilderness, combating the various poverty related issues, improving medical procedures, advocating for human rights, inventing new ways to connect and learn… There’s a very long list.

    For myself, I’m chronically ill. I can do some limited waste reduction, attempt as ethical a consumption as possible and love my rescue cat. I don’t have the energy for much more. But I’ve found it helps to follow people and focus on projects that do good rather than what can’t be helped. If you have the ability and capacity to volunteer or donate all the better. Holding yourself accountable and living the best life you can life is really all you have control over after all.