No. Clearly no.
No. Clearly no.
The specs required for these games is low, fortunately. Cheaper gaming laptops typically go for twice your max budget. Looking for a used laptop is the way I would go with the budget. I have the specs for fortnite below, but keep in mind, these are the minimum expectations not what you should get. I would search for something with 1.5-2x these specs if you expect your kid to have the laptop for more the 3-4 years and the demands of future games.
CPU - Core i3-3225 3.3 GHz. GPU - Intel HD 4000 or AMD Radeon Vega 8. Memory - 8 GB RAM. Storage - 30GB available space
Is that obsolete or obscure (in German speaking areas)?
For me things were not in meters or feet but hours driven. From my home town the nearest stoplight was 1.5 hours away by car. This is also the closest chain restaurant (like McDonald’s or simular). We had a school bus, but other than that no public transit. The next town over (15 minutes) has a supermarket.
Oregon too, last I knew at least.
There is a lot of good books (or audio books) I could suggest. This has been also a interest in mine. The reasons are different and also the same. Many of the top comments touch on some of the points.
Hey Pete,
What helped me with the same problem and others is to act like it really mattered,cause it does. For me I ask myself “if I were to get 20 million $£€ if i did this perfect for a year, would I.” then try and act like it. If I were to give you this money, you would not forget your bags at home. You would always have them when needed and in a quality that wouldn’t rip easily. Act like that. Then it will quickly be a habbit that you won’t have to think about.
Super interesting, I would assume California has a good amount of electric cars? But where are emissions from cattle / other farm animals / agriculture?
Is this a ad for them? Cause it feels a lot like a Ad.
I had one of these. My mother in law gave it to me a couple of years before I married my wife. She said it hadn’t bloomed for _ long time _ years and it only blooms when there is love in the house. I don’t think she thought it would bloom but it had clumps of flowers in a couple of months. I think it just needed more light.
Any thoughts on TLDR (Youtube channel)?
Boy I’m getting super sick of these, “Millennials are doing this ____ , gen Zers are ruining that ____ , boomers are mad about ____” articles. Having one less thing to divide us as people would be nice right about now.
Yeah and thanks for watching it. I felt simular. I liked watching it because I’m a big fan, but it was their love and passion for it that got me. And for what it is I think they did a great job. It could have been shorter or had more other content… But I can only assume there was some budget issues as it was nonprofit made.
Why is this coming out now? Like we know… Why is this a news story, now? I am absolutely not a conspiracy theorist, but this makes me feel like one. Is something going to happen to Saudi Arabia… Are some powers at be trying to sway public opinion for some reason?
Go watch it. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but it’s the search for Gollum. I found it free on YouTube. It’s 40 minutes or so. Tell me how it is.
Just finished it. I’m impressed! Like, yeah, it’s fan fiction… But well done!
Did you all know there is already a The Hunt for Gollum? Found it online. It’s fan fiction from 2009 from the UK but reviews sound good.
Does the thing he crashed into pop up, or was that thing always up and he thought that he could get through it or something? Or didn’t see it?
Sounds great, hope they can do it… But it usually isn’t that simple. I work in a different but simular field. Most of these fake meat companies, especially the quality ones, run very low or negative profits until they can massively scale up into international companies. We also lose money despite we are a good amount more expensive than cheap meat.
Lab grown has the same problem, and it isn’t that it is soooo expensive, it’s that meat is far too cheap. The real cost of meat is massive but is subsidized in most all processes. In addition to many other issues.
Not to presume someone’s gender, but that’s a she. She’s a hard worker. So you know, boy honey bees don’t even collect pollen or nectar. They also don’t protect the bee hive or care for the young. Boy bees are the meaning of lazy. Most hives will only have a few percent of boys in summer, but when it gets cold they get booted from the hive and die and they don’t make any more boys until next spring.