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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023

  • I help startups grow online so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

    3,000 newsletter sign-ups is impressive and you should definitely start thinking of monetizing. You are on the right path with building a content plan for the newsletter, but you can go many different directions.

    The idea of having ad spots on your newsletter is a decent idea, but I’d suggest a few other ways. I would need to understand you business more and what you are offering to get so many sign-ups. Then we can find out a plan for you. DM me and we can chat more about it.

  • You know it is tough, especially when you’re trying to grow your business and feel like you can’t take a day off. I just posted about this on my socials about how I took a day off just to play with my kids.

    What has helped me is just making a weekly schedule and daily plan on what I need to do for social. This way I know exactly what I need to do each day to move the needle and when I am done, I don’t have to feel the guilt that I should be doing more. This gives me permission for family time, exercise or doing something totally different with my time.

    It is a grind, but that is what works for me.

  • You are a great son for trying to help him, and I know from experience that the older generation has a hard time wrapping their head around the online world. But you nailed it, people are lazy being online opens you up to a global market instead of just a local one.

    I consult companies in launching online and happy to answer any more questions. Don’t worry I am not trying to sell you here. Before you even get started work with your dad to find out who his ideal customers are. Make a customer persona (you can google this) and then this will help guide your strategy online. I have a worksheet that I could share with you if you have a hard time finding one.