I don’t think it should have a significant effect on performance. On the other hand gamescope is broken on my system right now. There are probably plus and minuses of both.
I don’t think it should have a significant effect on performance. On the other hand gamescope is broken on my system right now. There are probably plus and minuses of both.
Great. now how long till we can game without nesting the game inside gamescope?
If they can get $100 Billion, they sure as hell need to fulfill the fiduciary duty and accept.
+1 would drive.
It is easier. Raster based rendering does a lot of cheats to make it look realistic that the devs have to come up with and write. To do 4K you need to calculate over 8 million rays and their bounces. Very processor intensive, but much simpler from a programming point of view.
Now the difference between some of those settings on low and ultra are not really worth it is some cases as they look basicly the same.
Overall these ray tracing methods are leading to more realistic raster based rendering as the devs can actively see the “problem” areas and make or fix the cheats to look better.
Canada should just add a export tax. Why should the US government get the money.
Glad they came to their senses. I had trouble setting up one as I have/had a sony group account with no security info which is needed to reset the password. Turns out sony doesn’t filter periods from usernames from email. Just ended up adding a couple to my email address for a new account.
Not sure why you are so worried. Based on those requirements a Radeon rx 6800 should be able to do Ultra 4K @ 60. The main differentiator seems to be vram.
Only the negatives are not his fault. If it was a success he will take credit even if it was others are responsible and he did nothing or even impeded its success.
Quantum computing. The nuclear fusion of computers. I wonder how long they will be 10 years away.
I am using a 4080 on Plasma 6 wayland. It works pretty well. DLSS works. I haven’t tried frame generation, but I think support was added recently. Occasionally I have a wake problem, but I believe that is bios related. I am encountering a gamescope blackscreen freezing issue.
Only stuttering I am experiencing is a Steam overlay bug and Bluetooth interference sometimes.
Compositor choice and how recent of release will effect your experience as they are all independent implementations and still improving.
I wouldn’t expect that a 20 series card to be a specifically buggier experience over the 40 and 30 series though.
I think this is what I am thinking of. Kind of a predecessor of modern machine learning.
I remember that as well.
Edit; moved comment to correct reply.
This isn’t exactly new. I heard a few years ago about a situation where the ai had these wires on the chip that should not do anything as they didn’t go anywhere , but if they removed it the chip stopped working correctly.
Why is he thinking so small? Why not rename the Pacific Ocean to American Ocean? China and Japan have seas and India has an Ocean.
Yeah. Go into the system settings app, Autofill and Passwords. Select only the “AUTOFILL FROM” for Firefox.
Did you set Firefox as the default iPhone password manager?
The naming is so awful. It is like they combined Apple’s, Intel’s and Qualcomm’s naming.
Does hyprland support explicit sync at all? That sounds like the explicit sync issue that was fixed earlier this year.
Edit: Could run waycheck and see if linux-drm-syncobj-v1 (explict sync) is listed. I looked for NixOS and it “should” be supported, but best to double check.
Wouldn’t it better to just stop acknowledging Tesla and stop pretending that it is a premium brand?