23 year old Irish non binary satanist

  • 93 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Thank you. Its geniuely very heart warming knowing my post is actually going to help someone out there.

    Granted, I will say it’s going to be very hard to get them to open up if they go through something similar. Like if someone asked me how I was going back then I would of said grand (it’s an Irish thing to like keep positive and not make a big fuss over things) .

    Just encourage them to be open about there feelings even if they are angry. Teach them how to channel that anger into something productive rather than suppressing it.

  • Just making myself do things is very helpful. I dunno. It’s just that as I have gotten older I find I am better at making myself actually do things. I still have tons of things that I always have on the “I’ll get around to it queue” but I’ve improved especially with school work. One of the things that has motivated me is knowing how much it sucks to fail. How agonising that feeling is. I tell myself “alright do you want to get this done or do you want to hate yourself” sometimes and it seems to work.

  • Striker@lemmy.worldOPtoAutism@lemmy.worldPoem 3
    8 months ago

    To give you the gist it’s basically about inability to form connections. Like it’s not meant to aloof more like that I make shallow connections with people. Like in my class I’ve talked and somewhat know everyone in my class “Been everywhere and nowhere” yet I haven’t made a significant friendship with any of them. I briefly blow into people’s lives and then fade back out without being grounded to them. I stuck far up. The wind here is like this vague force that I seemingly have no control over like a mysterious force that prevents me from making connections. I hope this helps you understand this better.

  • Striker@lemmy.worldOPtoAutism@lemmy.worldPoem 2.
    8 months ago

    That’s kinda what I’m going for. Song lyrics. And for the curse words I put them because that’s what people say when they are desperate. Like adding in “fucking” I think ads to this because it conveys the sense of anger and adds intensity rather than just straight up repeating it three times.

  • Nuance is lost on a lot of people unfortunately in the Internet and this is a consequence of it. I do have my doubts about the accuracy of the results but I very much don’t doubt that more young people deny the holocaust than ever before. I just wonder if it is truly to this extent. Large groups of people in general aren’t suited to discussing complex topics because group think makes them take extreme stances.

  • Striker@lemmy.worldOPtoAutism@lemmy.worldSpotify wrapped results.
    10 months ago

    Eh. Like I said in other conversation I’m trying to diversify my tastes more. Going over my list of most played songs I can see hozier and tame implala probably came very close to being in the top 5. Tbh wasn’t really expecting Stone Temple pilots to be my number 1 this year. I was stunned by that. Heck I kinda would of preferred that tbh.

  • God forbid I actually want a social life then. Expecting accommodation for my disability the penalty isolation. Fucking neurotypicals. I want a social life. I want a romantic life. The only reasons those things are supposedly unaccessible is because of the bigoted attitude of others. I am tired of being told its all my fault for not changing my behaviour enough or because I am apparently asking for too much as a person on the spectrum.