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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Awesome! Isn’t that always the way. People, agencies and governments love to put their name on new and shiny projects, but never want to fund labor or upkeep. I work for a non-profit and a big part of my job is begging for money to help us maintain the amazing infrastructure we have, but get very little support to upkeep.

    I’ve spent a lot of time visiting Roseau and Warroad in my life, so it’s always nice to meet an American neighbor in the wilds of the internet. Manitoba is actually a cool place to visit, and your dollar goes a lot further. Come up to Winnipeg for a weekend and you’d be surprised how much more there is to do now than even a decade a go. It’s food and music scene is awesome.

  • Howdy Neighbor, you could always move a little further north. We’ve got lots of people driving EVs up here in Winnipeg! I’m kidding, but there is at least some charging infrastructure coming rurally here in Manitoba, and you are starting to see a lot of commuters using them for 100+ km (one-way) commutes. That being said, we have similar issues if you need to drive long distances between rural centers, but the government subsidies to help install L2 chargers seem to be making a difference as more and more municipalities are installing at least one charger somewhere. I can understand how people are still hesitant about winter, with -20C (-5f) to -30C(-30f) being not uncommon (for now…).

  • I’m always hesitant about these reports about teacher shortages. I was a teacher in Manitoba and spent years bouncing from term to term as school divisions are under severe budget constraints and have no permanent roles to give out. They say we have a teaching shortage as well, but what they mean is no one will become a substitute teacher to make $30,000 a year. Or that no one will take the plethora of “part-time” positions where they are offering a 0.2 or 0.3 position which pays $25,000 a year (but of course expects a host of admin and extracurricular work so you don’t really have the luxury of finding another job). I left teaching for a 50% pay cut in the heritage sector. The reduction in income hurts, but not being jerkd around by the system is a nice change. I’m not really in a place in life where I can relocate, but I would happily move to Quebec if the supposed guarantee to permanent teaching roles was really as good a the media makes it out to be.

    Sorry for the off topic rant. Affirming a student’s chosen pronouns makes a world of difference, and being able to make sure you school’s data system can accurately report those chosen pronouns and whether or not parents should be informed of those pronouns can be a literal lifesaver! I’ve taught students who committed suicide because their parents emotionally and physically abused them for being gender fluid, and having teachers who (for their own bullshit reasons) refused to change a single word in how they referred to that student. If all it takes is changing a field in our data system, and admin reminding teachers just how important that identity can be to a teen, that is a simple change that can literally save lives. Stop using teens lives as a pawn in you pearl-clutching vote grab Conservatives!