Tl;Dr - Yes, this is an excellent price for them. If this is your budget and your living situation can bear an open-designed headphone, these are the ones to get.
Their sound is well-received and praised. I personally didn’t enjoy it. Fair-to-Good timbre. I found the bass monotonous, and thus “disappeared” in music - kind of how you never really notice your nose even though you see it all the time. In movies or music where they use bass sparingly, this is far less of an issue. Quite sibiliant indeed to my ears - splashy drummers were annoying me.
Comfort while wearing is excellent for me. Clamp is on the high side, but the pads distribute it well so it normally is not an issue. Definitely the headphone I can wear for the longest in my stable. Pads and headband collect dust, hair and skin flakes. If you have pets, give up on the idea of keeping them clean. Cable is microphonic. They creak when you move. Easy to drive.
I bought them for movie watching in bed during depression days because I liked the X3, and they did the job excellently. For music, I prefer to keep the X3 for their niche, but I would suggest that the X2HR is a better all-purpose headphone.
I think the Open Alpha-mod (by MrSpeakers/Dan Clark Audio) to the Fostex T20rp-and-adjacent-numbers have been emphatically well-received by parts of the community. They are more of a DIY-project than purchasable these days. I am sure there are competitors who also sell repurposed drivers in their own 3d-printed shell.
I have the donor-headphones and the printed parts, but I have not had the time to do the mod yet.