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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月11日


  • Maybe look up atheism then try correcting your own comment instead of theirs :)

    In all seriousness, I think your definitions are a few centuries out of date. It’s been drifting toward meaning a-gnostic instead of undecided. Contemporarily, it’s used to explain one’s believed level of knowledge on a claim. I can, for instance, be agnostic toward plate tectonics, and be made gnostic of them by evidence.

  • Yeah, you basically nailed it. Trans healthcare for minors , if such a term would need defining would be the reduction of of permanent changes brought on by puberty. Generally, adults who started taking puberty blockers as a kid can either stop taking them later and have a (very likely mostly) normal puberty, or they can start pursuing more permanent changes, like hormone therapy.

    A good chunk of the ‘debate’ is trying to separate normal people into ‘not trans’ and ‘lesser.’ What we want is really just comprehensive healthcare- same rules for everyone.

    To your last point: trans-affirming surgeries have a vastly lower regret rate than most cosmetic surgeries, which is a very good reason to allow trans adults to choose to pursue them. The people passing these laws want a lower class. at no point does “protect trans children” ever come up in earnest.