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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I had a recruiter after me hard one time. They had a company they were trying to grow and had already plucked away a couple of guys from my team.

    He offered what he thought was an aggressive offer based on what the other guys said they were making.

    I asked about WFH, he said the company preferred people in the office to collaborate. This was my third time asking this, the first two times I told him this was a non-starter, and this offer was to try to go above and beyond that to sway me with dollar signs.

    I laid out the costs that were involved: commuting, car, gas, childcare, lunch, etc. and how his aggressive offer still had me coming up behind, and that’s before I even take into account time and comfort lost.

    He’s called back again twice, and it’s the same freaking question, “any movement on work from home?”

    We all know the answer.

  • Dimishing returns tax calculated on personal worth, not including liabilities.

    The more you make/have the more you pay.

    Doesn’t matter if you have it sitting in investments, antiques or income, it all gets taxed the same. Can’t hide it by subtracting liabilities, because those are your own responsibilities, not the governments.

    This will shift the burden to the upper class and remove the burden from the lower class, it will also help the middle class by not being stuck in the middle and being able to be judged on levels and on a scale.

    Apply the same to companies, it will actually encourage mega-corps to split into smaller companies.

  • Complaining about downvotes is a sure fire way to get more downvotes.

    But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the information you’re presenting, so much as the way you’re presenting it.

    There’s tons of emotion around news and facts these days and people just want it cut straight without the fat. Don’t tell us how to feel, or why we should feel that way, tell us what the facts are and we’re grown ups, we’ll put our big people clothes on and make up how we feel about it on our own.

    Any emotion you put into it is likely to undo any good points you may have made. There’s a time for that, this isn’t it.