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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024

  • A lot of US gun owners are in support of common sense gun laws. It’s enough that some gun owners have started a gun lobbying group to oppose the NRA which is a pretty terrible organization. I’ve owned guns in the past, I don’t anymore, don’t know if I ever will again, but I used to, and I still think people should be allowed to own guns, but the lack of restrictions is absurd, We pretty immediately need big changes to domestic abuse laws, and bail opportunities, as some huge percentage of murders in the US are domestic abusers out on bail. Red Flag laws where someone who has been suspected of planning violent shootings can’t gain access to firearms. much stricter laws on background checks and closing third party sale loopholes entirely, and I also think mandatory gun safes are a good idea, If you’re not home, it should be entirely inaccessible. none of these laws would effect the majority of gun owners, as bad as it is now with gun violence, still the vast majority of gun owners are never going to endanger anyone. But doing nothing is insane. I’ve met zero people who shout “people kill people not guns” who isn’t a jackass who’s scared someone will take his toys away.

  • “Not really sure what you mean. Me and everyone I knew absolutely believed we were offering salvation for each person we were doing this for. If you didn’t, then you weren’t a good mormon”

    It’s not surprising to me or anything, because this is a huge problem in the church that they don’t teach the doctrine, they just want the numbers, the tithing, the cultural power, they don’t care about the teachings.

    No you weren’t ever supposed to be changing the historical facts of anyone’s life

    There is no belief in the doctorine that work for the dead REWRITES their historical life, or the facts of their life.


    The belief is that the soul of the dead person, in spirit prison/spirit paradise can chose to accept the gospel, and the work done for them. If you do your ancestor’s work and they died in Spain in the 1400s, no matter what work you do for then, in their life they were never Mormon. History books do not need to be updated that their life is now as a Member of the church. No one should believe that. That’s not a part of any teaching in the church at all.

    Only their soul in death can accept the work. No history books to change. No facts to update.

    “There’s no “supposed to be related” they just encourage it to make you feel more personally attached to the work.”

    I’m sorry you grew up in Utah or Idaho, I have no idea what the church does there, but from everyone I’ve met that grew up out there, you all are so devoid of the actual doctorine of the church it’s clear no one out there bothers with it in the first place.

    Temple work has always been to redem YOUR dead. This has never changed. You were always supposed to be doing your own ancestors work. That’s why if you go through the old temple records you’ll see generation after generation do the same ancestors in the same order over and over. Now the work isn’t supposed to be done over and over on the same names, but it has always been restricted to your own ancestors. No one is supposed to be submitting names of random people, it’s why when the church digitized all this and put it all online you can’t submit names without some proof it’s your ancestor. You can still work names with open submissions, but only direct ancestors has been the policy on paper since the beginning.

    This is how you have a whole religion that is willing to think it’s OK to hate LGBTQ people, actively try and harm them with legislation and policy, and say they accept Jesus’ teachings that you must ‘‘love one another’’ you never bother with the doctorine in the first place.

  • Yeah, also when ever he said ‘‘a lot of people don’t know this’’ he means ‘‘I just learned this a few days ago’’ and ‘‘a lot of people are saying’’ means ‘‘This is just my opinion’’. On the bizarre side of things, ‘‘bigly’’ is actually a real word in the English language and he would be using it grammatically correct most times he says it IF that was what he’s actually saying, but he not, he’s trying to say ‘‘big leauge’’ and is almost always using it incorrectly.

  • Anyone can submit names and people often submit names to embarrass the church because they know it will cause problems. Secondly the ‘anne frank’ that had work done was not the historically famous figure but a different person entirely,

    Temple work is ancestor focused worship, it’s not about changing anyone’s historical factual life, that’s not at all a belief in the church, no one thinks that temple work changes ANYTHING about history, that’s INSANE and no one thinks that’s what’s happening with the names you work.

    All the names you so work for are supposed to be YOUR ancestors, people do go through and offer to do names people have left available for anyone, but those names are still supposed to be that other persons ancestors, not unrelated people, no one is supposed to be submitting names of any historical figure they arend provably a decendent of, and even then, they should only do so if they have a right to do that work.

    A lot of people hate Mormons and like to make up the worst things they can think of to insult or vilify them. I was Mormon for a long time, I left the church because of ACTUAL THINGS the church does that are wrong and bad and against the churches own doctorine, the choices they make about training and policy, the severe anti lgbtq hatetred they support and spread. NOT because of made up bullshit no one in the church has ever done or believed.

    There’s more than enough factual information to criticize, making up bullshit isn’t necessary and it’s dishonest and stupid.