• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I know people here will try to debate me on every issue here and I know I won’t have time for that. Go ahead and ask whatever questions you want, but I can’t promise I’ll answer everything. .

    I don’t have a perfect knowledge of exactly what’s on the left and right so please forgive me if I put something in the wrong category.

    I understand that left vs right ideally shouldn’t exist. The same goes for political parties. They do exist so here’s some of my views from both sides.

    Right. I don’t agree with critical race theory. Skin color should be treated like hair color or eye color. It’s just a way to describe someone.

    Government should strictly obey the constitution.

    Billionaires should exist if they do businesses ethically.

    People involved in abortions should consider the life of the fetus.

    I find myself agreeing more with conservatives when voting.

    The electoral college is a good thing because it lets small towns have a voice.

    Left. Walkable cities are a more efficient use of space.

    Climate change is real and humans are continuing. It’s not going to destroy the world in 5 years like some people are saying. It’s mostly going to affect poor costal countries and islands many years in the future.

    Corporations should be held accountable for their actions.

    Puerto Rico and other US territories should be a states or their own country.

    People involved in abortions should consider the life of the mother.

  • When I was about 12 I had a computer nerd friend who used linux almost exclusively. I used various linux distros at his house. I don’t know what they were.

    He gave me a knopix CD so I could use linux too and that was the easiest way.

    I thought I’d try linux myself so I burned Ubuntu to a cd and tried to install it on a family computer as a dual boot. I did it wrong and deleted everything. My dad is a computer network specialist so he understood what happened and wasn’t mad. He made a backup of the family computer a while ago and restored it. We still lost some things, but not everything.

    My friend got me a desktop computer for free and put SUSE on it. My parents wouldn’t allow me to have internet in my bedroom so I just played games and made stuff on blender with it.

    My friend also got me a free laptop at this computer nerd conference we went to. We listened to a bunch of people talk about computer stuff. They also had free stuff we could grab. I got myself a laptop. It didn’t have an operating system so my friend installed Ubuntu on it for me.

    Eventually that laptop and my desktop stopped working and I never used linux again. After reading about linux here I started to miss my Ubuntu laptop and I’d like to try it again, but I don’t want ruin my current laptop like I did with the family computer.