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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Some fish have little “hairs” on their body that are very similar to the “hairs” humans have in their ears to detect sound. As part of a trial to regrow damaged “hairs” in people with noise-induced hearing loss (soldiers, factory workers, etc), we had to uh, induce some damage so there was a test subject for the drugs. Turns out, tooth brush heads work really well for transmitting high-frequency waves through small volumes of water. Also turns out that I was not cut out for trials requiring living things. It was rough on the psyche.

  • I haven’t combined them directly, but I have taken both Sertraline and bupropion at different stages in my life. I agree that Sertraline eventually takes a toll on your libido, smothering it like a wet blanket over a fire. I can also attest to some people having an increase in anxiety with bupropion because that shit made me want to claw my skin off. I always felt like I was seconds away from exploding while I was on it. It’s difficult to describe. I stopped taking it after a few weeks because it made me an edgy mess.

    To overcome the lack of libido on Sertraline I just “practiced” by trying to initiate intimacy with my partner (or myself), even when I didn’t feel like it, because eventually I could “get in the mood” and it became easier over time after reminding my body that it was, in fact, fun to have sex. I also noticed increasing my activity level by working out a few times a week helped quite a bit with increasing my libido.

    Eventually after changing jobs, finding a good workout regimen, and reducing my alcohol intake, I was able to get off the Sertraline and my libido came back after a few weeks.

    That’s just my experience though, I wish you the best of luck.

  • I’m not diagnosed but I “feel you” lol. I never really had a name for it aside from just hitting my limit. There’s no amount of excitement, argumentativeness, sorrow, etc that reaches me after that. It’s like being physically or mentally exhausted but for your emotions. Its never really concerned me though because what am I supposed to do about it?

    Overall it’s a similar response to my social battery. It just wears down to the point where I’ll withdrawal, and if someone tries to push me further I get very snippy and will eventually just leave the area/situation or go completely gray rock until it ends. As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed I’ve built in escape hatches for myself and have no qualms about just walking out of emotion-ridden situations or even the middle of conversations. You will never see me without control over my own transportation to get home for more than about 30 minutes, and that’s only in emergencies.

    I’ve never really planned my day around it though, as I’ve already built my life around it. I’m reclusive and analytical by nature and any type of strong emotion is usually a bit much for me. I hate sappy movies and songs, I usually refuse to participate in arguments after a certain level of heat is hit, and I find excessive excitement grating to my nerves. My family growing up was always very “extra” to me so they’ve learned they only get a few hours during the holidays before I do the ol’ Midwest knee-slap and hit the road.

    Now the only time I hit my limit is usually during arguments where I am disinclined to leave (like at home with a spouse). Then I just end up looking like a psychopath because I’ll suddenly just kind of shut down and just go numb. My husband says he finds it very unnerving but it’s a pretty rare occurrence.