Santa Clarita Diet and Carnivale. HBO axed Carnivale, Deadwood and Rome back to back, and I still hold a grudge.
Edit: Enterprise and Lower Decks also still sting. Lower Decks is ao fucking brilliant and I hate that no one watches it!
Santa Clarita Diet and Carnivale. HBO axed Carnivale, Deadwood and Rome back to back, and I still hold a grudge.
Edit: Enterprise and Lower Decks also still sting. Lower Decks is ao fucking brilliant and I hate that no one watches it!
It satisfies my curiosity. I love stories in all their forms, but books feel like they’re inherently more satisfying. It might be because they require me to focus more, and not get distracted by visual cues. I also get more time to digest the information.
Battlestar Galactica is not better than Deadwood. I will die on this hill.
There’s lot of ways to protest. Already refused to help my Trump voting family members with $. They wanted this lesson. I’m gonna make damn sure they learn it.
A lot of people said they weren’t going to protest this time. People voted for the guy 3 times. A lot of people said, “fuck it! If this is what you really want, let’s learn this shit the hard way.” Right after the election and right after inauguration I saw this sentiment all over. In practice, a lot of people have taken to hoarding cash and have adopted a seige mentality. There is no help coming this time.
Well, now I wonder what benefits they could offer a for profit company. Why would anyone even meet with them?
Nah, its just more proof that this think tank is shit at making money. Disney doesn’t have morals, but it does have a very profitable “princess” marketing strategy. This think tank didn’t really read the room very well.
Disney princesses are DEI. Why should they distance themselves from their most recognizable/successful marketing tactics?
I don’t want him dead. I want him poor enough to need a gofundme when his drug abuse takes its toll.
Vineyards around here have set up wedding venues. People pay stupid amounts of money for weddings. If you can set up a few areas that are particularly photogenic you’d be good. Much of the land you could just leave to nature, which could be a huge part of the appeal. Make a few trails and like 2-3 buildings for the wedding and reception.
Good marketing can sort that out. You call the experience “authentic” and hire some attractive actors to do a couple photo shoots. Maybe add a shuttle and a little café like touristy vineyards do. And if you’re really good you can figure out a way to get the tourists to make meth for you. Say they have to bring certain ingredients with them, in addition to the crazy expensive entry fee.
New skill unlocked: “Lie with energy and in a few years fact checking becomes diabolical.”
Y’all don’t understand. We had to learn you don’t have to rewind DVDs before returning them. It was stressful.
If taxes aren’t paid people go to prison… So what’s realistic, non prison, way people can be innocent with this perspective?
I WISH my husband had been able to take time off. Those first few weeks of sleep deprivation are fucking ROUGH on your own. I think you did the right thing and that the child is going to get dramatically better care because his parents are actually sonewhat rested.
My love for T’pol politely disagrees.