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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • You can want to be as specific all you want. Doesn’t mean the person you initially replied to is wrong, especially given there’s a couple of American dictionaries who list that definition. And I’d temper your rhetoric about there being such a divide a bit too, especially when Ohio and Indiana voted for Trump the year he won. Sure seems like there were a bunch of northerners who were thinking along the same lines as those in the south…

    Also, no need to apologise for being a prick, you shouldn’t give two fucks about what people think of you here. I mean, why should you censor yourself for some randoms who don’t know you from a bar of soap? We all have opinions, we should be able to express them how we want. We should also expect criticisms of those opinions though.

  • Seaquest dsv is what they want. They changed it to seaquest 2023 for the last season, but I’d skip that anyway, I rewatched it a couple of years ago and that season is just straight garbage. Big changes to the cast, apparently the cast and the producers etc were constantly bickering, and boy does it show. Easy to see why it got canned before the season had even ended.

  • I mean, sure, we can’t outright dismiss it. Espexially as there was a slight rise in the death rate of vulnerable road users (ie, those not in a vehicle) globally. But let’s look at those countries I mentioned who have significantly dropped their death rates. Even if they somehow manage to get the same 40% increase in pedestrian deaths, their total is still gonna go down. And I doubt it’ll rise anywhere near close to that 40%, if it even does rise, as they do things like have better public transport, higher petrol taxes that discourage driving so much, higher taxes on “yank tanks”, better designed roads for all users, lowering speed limits, initiatives like what Japan does where they ban on street parking at night in busy areas so pedestrians and cyclists can be more easily seen, things like that. You know, actually being proactive about the issue. I wouldn’t be using the US as a global barometer for anything besides obesity rates. Cos here’s another example, and I know it’s not just America who has this problem, but global gun related deaths dropped ever so slightly between 1990-2016 despite the US’ rising (admittedly, not by much cos it start to show a drop for a while). Because a bunch of countries have done the work to reduce their death tolls, which counters the insanity of those few countries who haven’t. Cos other countries give two shits about their citizens.

  • You are a giant idiot. I agree with you on the need for gun control bit, but all your arguments are extremely flawed. Like this one you’ve posted here. Sure, jimbob might struggle to get a gun across, but there is still gonna be a shitload of them getting across. It is literally the world’s busiest border. Even a country with a hard on for authority like the US struggles to catch anywhere near close to everything that illegally crosses that border. And your asbestos argument? That’s shit house too. For one, it’s not even banned in most of the world (including the US). Two, there’s still a problem with people trying to import products with it in into countries that have banned it. And three, it’s irrelevant because the govts that have banned it have made alternatives readily available that are nearly as effective, thus giving the public legal alternatives. Why is that important? Because let’s look at what happened when govts don’t provide alternatives. Like when the US banned alcohol (which is a ban that still exists in some countries today). Or the war on drugs. Or the illegal trade of exotic animals. They are booming markets. Sure, be against all the horseshit we see come out of the US in regards to gun crime and advocate for tighter gun control, but at least try to be intelligent about it. Your whataboutism is not only wrong, it’s a really dumb way to try and prove a point, even if you were right.