I think this is a great venture! Although I do worry about the defensibility given how many competitors also see this opportunity with AI . Would you mind chatting more about what LLM you plan to use and how you plan to gain traction?
I am a growth advisor for an AI shop called scLean Labs (https://www.scleanlabs.com/). We advise and help startups with AI and product development. Happy to discuss more if you are open to it! Please email- janoma@scleanlabs.com or schedule a time here to chat- calendly.com/janoma
I recommend outsourcing to experts who can understand exactly what you need and can deliver at an affordable price.
I am a growth advisor for an AI shop called scLean Labs (https://www.scleanlabs.com/). We advise and help startups with AI and product development. Happy to discuss more if you are open to it! Please email- janoma@scleanlabs.com or schedule a time here to chat- calendly.com/janoma