You will be used as childcare repeatedly for their fun.
And they will make you look like the bad guy in front of your kids if you flinch.
Prepare for that.
“I think we have to guard against the temptation to accept that history is necessarily the limit to who we are.” - Ta-Nehisi Coates
You will be used as childcare repeatedly for their fun.
And they will make you look like the bad guy in front of your kids if you flinch.
Prepare for that.
They sewed the tent shut long ago.
Dude went publicly up against one of the most powerful people in the world and you call him a simp ?
Go take finish taking your Putin back shot keyboard Gimp.
yeah that is why i chose not to donate to the instance is that my home any longer.
when they decided to keep federated with threads they decided that they didn’t need my donations.
If they did, and no one could tell the difference.
Super serious job of CEO for three different billion dollar companies is so time consuming that he has spare time “to work” as a head of a government department, as well.
This makes me think that maybe CEOs don’t actually do that much.
a show made up of real life events recreated in dramatic format for the TV is called a TV dramatization.
settle down.
people voted for the guy that said he would stop future voting
that is where the USA is at
Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution actually describes what has happened in the United States.
The few mega-rich will bend the national discourse with money to capitalist decay and avoid the dictatorship of the proletariat. The likes of Bezos and Musk fit that bill to a T.
This will conversation evolve into two things: are hotdogs and tacos sammiches, and we becoming crabs.
mine isn’t a brain fog but COVID and a trump presidency made me not trust humans at all.
i no longer trust friends, family, neighbors, governments, leaders, police, doctors, businesses. none of them maintained trust during the Trump presidency and the pandemic.
but i still vote straight ticket democrat. because their platform doesn’t include NAZI-ism
The NYTimes wrote it out for me:
The playbook for transforming a democracy into a soft autocracy was clear: Win power with a populist message against elites. Redraw parliamentary districts. Change voting laws. Harass civil society. Pack courts with judges willing to support power grabs. Enrich cronies through corruption. Buy up newspapers and television stations and turn them into right-wing propaganda. Use social media to energize supporters. Wrap it up in an Us versus Them message: Us, the “real” Russians or Hungarians or Americans, against a rotating cast of Them: the migrants, the Muslims, the liberals, the gays, George Soros and on and on.
If you start hanging people trying to run the government no good people will want to be in the government.
it is a feedback loop for national bloodshed.
voting machines should not been trusted.
that is the real.
If we are lucky history will forget about us all.
seeing as women are human beings some woman would use this “system” to separate some guy from his current partner so that she could abscond with him.
and 52% of women from my demographic voted for trump so enjoy the delusions
Is manly man == toxic masculinity ?
i thought it is the closed standard
it has been