Dad, architectural designer, former SMB sysadmin and still-current home-labber, sometimes sim-racing modder, enthusiastic everything-hobbyist. he/him.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I fully expect that subs with major frontpage presences are going to get taken over by the mothership and reopened almost immediately. They may even be able to find some poor saps to mod them, at least for a couple weeks until they realize that’s a full-time job. But the smaller subs are what long-time and power users end up diffusing to and what keeps them engaged with the site over time, and those are likely going to be dead or zombies shortly. Any investor putting money into Reddit for any reason other than short-term trading or hoping to be at the front of the line to pick over the corpse in a few years has failed to do their due diligence.