It’s kind of you, but not a huge deal. When I tried it (when there was an initial migration to Mastodon), it was so decentralized that you couldn’t really have much of a feed and it was tough to find much of anything.
It’s kind of you, but not a huge deal. When I tried it (when there was an initial migration to Mastodon), it was so decentralized that you couldn’t really have much of a feed and it was tough to find much of anything.
That’s a serious dickhead. Others may try but this guy delivers a master class.
I wasn’t a fan of the format. (and apparently I’m not allowed to have an opinion on format)
It’s built to be decentralized though, from what I read.
There’s a guy in my neighborhood that has 4 or 5 flags (pro Trump and anti Democrat) along with a bunch of signs.
I equate it to a cat lady, but stupid.
Seriously. How can anyone look at these guys and have positive thoughts or believe these are the folks that will fix everything?
It takes a special kind of person to root for Darth Vader.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she has daddy issues.
I bet they’re helping they choose candidates too, but let’s not talk about that.
This answer makes sense to me because of how a gyroscope acts. Thanks.
Always a seal. What about the mighty walrus? I’m sure he could keep it safe!
This guy’s past is just the gift that keeps on giving. It’s almost like the people that vetted him were…perhaps less than competent?
Yea, I’ve thought about what I’d do to my neighbor, but we have power for now so I won’t. Power better not go out though.
I’m shocked! Next you’ll tell me it’s against minorities or something.
What do you mean? What could go wrong? It’s only 3-mile Island. I’m sure the patches they apply to the control rod computers will be double checked extra closely. Don’t worry!
PS - I live elsewhere
That’s just too bad.
Ooooooh, 3 whole months. WTG Mikey. Perhaps you should also eat 1/4 of your food and sleep 2 hours a night.
She’s moving on from wardrobe to brain malfunctions.
Yes, there’s definitely a cornucopia of nicknames for that guy.
I’m surprised he didn’t autograph the tombstone. I’m sure the family would want him to.