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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • Nnnno, I’m sorry, you’ve misunderstood - I was airing my (fairly reasonable) doubt that you don’t know why it shouldn’t be used on those types of fires.

    It is, I admit, also not my responsibility to educate those too stupid to google stuff, but just for fun: Electrocution risk, grease fires explode when doused with water, unknown chemicals may interact with water unpredictably.

    Water is absolutely used to combat battery fires. It won’t extinguish them, but since firefighting is more complicated than “it puts the water on the flames or else it gets the hose again”, that’s not really the goal. It’s to keep the chassis/batteries cool, douse the surrounding area to prevent the fire from spreading and keep any toxic combustion products from spreading via smoke (yes, that means they get washed into the environment. Not ideal, but better than breathing it.)

  • We can’t do anything except shoot you down. What you want doesn’t exist, not because people are choosing not to create it but because they can’t create it. The ‘paranormal’ isn’t real. Anyone that believes it is is insane, and insane people are not known for their ability to tell compelling stories and hold cameras steadily, nor are they known to pursue and publish media invalidating their own delusions. If you want to see convincingly shot footage, watch the X-Files, it’s a beautiful show. But that’s the best you’re going to get. Because the content you crave does not exist.

  • In this thread you’ve implied repeatedly that you’re aware of the implausibility of paranormal phenomenon but you’re still going to watch:

    “YouTube pranks, edited garbage, and an endless amount of inhumane content”

    And if you’re just doing this for amusement, the Why Files does some pretty entertaining stuff reporting on ‘real’ (clarification: these are actual things people believe not just made up for their episode) conspiracies and paranormal events, I can enjoy them even as a skeptic. But if you’re doing this out of actual interest, belief or just to give both sides of the argument a fair shake, I really really really hope that you will take my advice and figure out if this is truly important, or if this is you self-harming out of stubbornness. Because I have been there and it’s really bad for you.

  • Schrödinger was criticizing the interpretation of quantum mechanics, Tesla generated way more garbage than he did innovations, the Drake equation is a novelty (and Drake repeatedly clarified that it was conjecture until we find any evidence of ETI), SETI is awesome.

    Everything you just listed is an example of science investigating the tangible aspects of observed phenomenon.

  • Yeeees, I do in fact think people should be “warned” (that is, told in advance that someone is trans so they do not unintentionally hurt said person) when someone has come out publicly. That’s a big part of the reason people come out, to get acceptance of who they are from their community. If we want to swap specious arguments, I think the real question is why you think trans people should stay hidden and unrecognized?

    Cara is a public figure, and she was quite famous back in the day. Coming out as trans hasn’t erased her personal history, and unless we want to play a game of Celebrity Gender Reveal, the only way to tell people that this public figure goes by a new name and uses new pronouns is to use their old name. I’ll concede the title is poorly worded, but just referencing a widely duplicated meme they were in once isn’t sufficent to identify them.

    And we really need out & proud trans celebrities. We need people who aren’t ashamed of who they are and who they were to show the bigots of the world that we’re not afraid of them, that we’re not the weird boogymen they claim we are. To show scared trans kids what the hate they will doubtlessly face looks like and to show them that they do not have to face it alone. And if someone chooses to stay in the closet I will love and support them exactly the same as I will anyone else in the LGBT community, because that is an absolutely valid choice too.

    You’re lashing out because you’re soundly losing an argument online, and that makes us all back up our opinions even more fervently than before. But please don’t hurl hurtful accusations at someone else just to make yourself feel better. At worst you’ll push someone ever closer to the edge of the Cliff of Bigotry, and at best you say this comical shit to someone thats been threatened, stalked, beaten, shot at, stabbed and endlessly teargassed fighting for queer & trans rights. And that doesn’t really get a rise out of them, it just makes you look like a bit of a twerp.