I’m absolutely seeing more of them. They’re all relatively new stickers on newer and older cars. They’re all of about the same few designs. They’re actual bumper stickers, not magnets or signs hung with suction cups in a rear windows, so they’re basically permanent. Permanent student driver stickers just don’t make any sense for their supposed purpose. The stickers are going to last so much longer than it would normally take anyone to become a mostly proficient driver.
I guess the secondary directive of the Federation is to gatekeep having fun?
Animation isn’t for children by default. Only boring, unimaginative people talk that way about animated stories.
Star Trek has always had violence.
Star Trek has often had profanity. In another alien language sure, but we all knew which Klingon words were curses.
Does sophomoric humor graduate to senior humor when it’s subtle enough that you didn’t catch it as a child? Humor is SUPER subjective and VERY sensitive to the current zeitgeist, so comparing humor across a franchise that has been around this long seems a little absurd. Data pushed Crusher into the ocean for a laugh, that seems pretty sophomoric to me. Bones regularly joked about Spock’s racial differences, that also seems pretty crude by today’s standards.