Em Adespoton

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • When I was in that age bracket, I identified as conservative. Over the years, my positions have become increasingly conservative, and I find myself classified by many as a flaming socialist.

    So this isn’t a new thing; people compare themselves to what they consider normal.

    I think what it really shows is that it’s less obvious today what the difference between conservative and (what? liberal? progressive?) is. People tend to know more what they aren’t than what they are when they’re young. If they reject something that’s considered liberal, they must be conservative.

  • Perfectly fine. But in the upcoming election, because of FPTP voting and the electoral college, you have one choice: vote Harris or be OK with Trump getting elected.

    Doesn’t mean you have to agree with Harris or support her policies. Just means that not voting for her means Trump is just that much more likely to be elected, at which time it doesn’t matter who you voted for, who you endorse, or what personal values you hold.

    But those aren’t the only names on the ticket.

    My general rule is to vote for individuals at the municipal level, vote first causes at the state level, and vote strategically at the federal level, to get the representatives who will steer policy closest to the direction I want into office. Then comes the letter writing to remind them that I helped elect them, and they still need to win my support by acting in accordance with my values in key areas.

  • Yes; I wasn’t talking about how many plan to vote for Harris or Trump, but about the fact that in the current election format, not voting for Harris makes Trump more likely to win, as all other votes are protest votes that won’t actually elect a candidate.

    Once FPTP is eliminated and states use a ranked voting system, your argument comes into play. But surely people in the LGBTQ community understand that not voting for Harris in this election means not caring that Trump gets elected?