Google can’t look at the photograph and tell you what’s wrong. It can tell you about the rule of thirds, the golden spiral and what composition is but it can’t give proper critique like we as a community can
Having the outlook that newer photographers shouldn’t or don’t deserve to share their photography to get some advice is really snotty, and not a good look.
People with experience. A lot of people on subreddits tnat are for critiquing photographs typically have a bit of experience that they can pass on. Even if they aren’t experienced, they can give another perspective on how the photo could be improved or how they would have taken it.
If you think Google is more reliable than people in regards to photography, I would find your qualifications to be questionable. It’s a useful tool but it isn’t better than real critique from real people.
You never said it outright but saying novice photographers posting instead of googling some answers insinuates that they at least annoy you and can go as far as they shouldn’t, especially when you propose the alternative is a Google search.