• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • There is no system of precedence for rulings of lower courts in Germany, technically not even for higher courts (albeit there de facto is). That’s something you could find in the U.S. though.

    The lower court fucked up and it got overruled. The only thing Sony could have done would have been to bring similar cases to the same lower level court again and again and hope they make the same wrong decision over and over. That’s about the closest thing to precedence they could have relied on. It probably would have worked for Sony though.

  • You are getting mad at an internet post by a random person who has exactly zero credibility to begin with. I sourced nothing, I claimed nothing, I didn’t even pretend that any opinion I hold is of value. As much as I am for calling out shit and as much as I applaud you doing that if for no other reason than out of principle, why? Why don’t you use your brain against someone actually doing harm and argue with a shitpost done by a shitposter on a platform that is mostly about shitposting instead?

    All of that pointless stuff aside: Legal ≠ Right I hope you will agree with me on that. We’d like to pretend the rules we make up are just. We’d especially like to believe that if they are democratically legitimated someway or another, they must be morally okay. That is not the case. It never was and never will be. If you base your whole stance on something being legal, then that’s a huge issue in and of itself.

    At this point in history money is power is law. If you are rich enough, you have to be the utmost incompetent idiot around to do something blatantly illegal and get in trouble for it. I for one don’t think this is the way. So maybe a bit more anarchy from time to time would serve us all well to balance out rich people’s crap.

    Also: It’s a shitpost. A freaking shitpost. Vote it down and move on. I’d do the same if I didn’t think it would be worth engaging with you.

  • They care about one thing only: Money.

    Obviously this is more of a strategic retreat and nothing else. It’s also a very common tactic to push for something crass, pull back, wait a bit and repeat. Most commonly resistance gets weaker each time, because people are people.

    Now if anyone thinks they made money with a retreat and won’t try again, because it’s obviously much more lucrative, which stone exactly are you living under?

    You are 100% correct. Nothing is won till you make it impossible for Google to push forward or destroy their motivation for trying again later.