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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s the 10th of Stan Rawlinson’s 10 Pet Commandments:

    -Stay with me on the ultimate difficult journey. Never say, “I can’t bear to watch” or “Let it happen in my absence”. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, regardless of what you do I will always love you.

    What a strange, cruel policy from the vet. When I had to put my cat down, my vet had me hold her in my arms while she administered the shot, and then she left the room so it could be just me and my cat til the end. Since I decided to take her body home to bury on my parents’ property, my vet recommended that I show her to my remaining cat so that we could mourn together. She said he would understand what death meant if he got to see her, but he would be distressed more if she just disappeared.

    What a hideous policy for everyone involved, shame on this vet/shelter for so many reasons.

  • I’m young and ignorant, so I don’t know what I’m talking about and I’d be open to anyone posting any links for me to learn from. But I remember being in middle and high-school 20 years ago, and learning about the UN’s “millennium goals” that they were trying to achieve by 2015. And they were… awesome. Like the real definition of awesome. They were awe-inspiring. And they made me hopeful as a young teen. And I remember when 2015 came and went and they hadn’t even come close to meeting those goals. And I remember thinking, okay, well, they’ll keep trying. But they didn’t keep trying, and in fact I never heard anyone talk about the millennium goals ever again. And then 2016 came, and at least from my American-centric viewpoint, the world has been on a rapid decline since then. And I am honestly so hopeless, like rock bottom hopless, like, I don’t know what the future is gonna be, but i can’t imagine a good one if we stay on this path, and I don’t know what to do, because I’m not a world leader.

    I used to have so much respect and admiration for the UN but they’re just as garbage as every other power in the world. This post is a fucking joke. My ex partner is from Saudi. I remember excitedly asking him about his opinion and his families opinion when women were first given permission to drive and he was DISGUSTED. Said “this should have happened ages ago, Saudi is using this as a PR move, why should we be happy that women are just now getting this right?”

    Anyway. Sorry for the long response to your sarcastic comment. Have a good day. Xoxo.

  • I have similar thoughts for a solution- just don’t have any sex or gender indicators on ID cards. Have a whole separate medical card that isn’t for identification. You keep it in your wallet in case you’re ever in an emergency, and doctors will use it to know if they should treat you like an xx or an xy or something else if it so applies. It could have a list on the back where you write any current medications, so a Dr knows what interactions your body might have to any treatments. This would be useful if, for example, you’re a female presenting biologically xy Trans person who shows up unconscious in an ambulance. Then the doctor can look at that person’s card and say “I will give this person the medical care that an XY person needs” vs saying “this person’s ID card says male but they look female, should the treatment be for a man or a woman?”

    As a non medical professional I’m sure I am oversimplifying the ordeal and glossing over important points, but it’s just something I’ve thought a lot.