Its gotta be brutal to be a Bears fans. Their draft position is getting worse and Fields doesn’t look any better.
Its gotta be brutal to be a Bears fans. Their draft position is getting worse and Fields doesn’t look any better.
Anything short of rubbing his balls while saying Im rigging this shit it doesn’t matter he will get away with it. He could’ve ejected the whole Warriors bench for being teammates with CP3 and the league would let him ref the next day.
It doesn’t really make much sense, I guess they though benching him would cause problems in the locker room.
I really don’t get why they don’t get there moneys worth. If you run him out there as the star player 3 years in a row, youll get three top 5 picks at least. A 100 million is a bargain for 3 top 5 picks.
Every fucking close game the Chiefs get the calls. Its crazy.
Being an NBA agent is like the easiest job ever, while making bank. Why would you even somewhat risk it being a Twitter warrior?
Im kind of shocked people that thats a first down. Its seems pretty obvious to me its short.
With how big this story is Im kind of shocked the harassing hasn’t stopped or maybe Shai is just is done and doesn’t really care if people stop or not.
He could have been down but thats not “forward progress” at all.
How do they call forward progress on that but not the James Cook fumble where they held him up for three seconds
How are people blaming Josh Allen this game. He had the one throw that was almost a pick but his team is the one blowing chunks.
I read the article and its kind of confusing. From the sounds of it she doesn’t know who did it. Plus it was in some cafeteria line which unless only owners of the NBA were there it could have been any amount of assistants or something. Im not downplaying it but she never even really accused an owner and just said it was after a meeting and it seems like the article is only implying it for more views.
Give me that Saleh 1000 yard stare and the passive agressive press conference
For how much of a shit show everyone said this game would be its already better than most Thursday Night football games.
The Drive died once Foreman came off the field
How did 97 fuck that up
Why did he pull the ball so soon
Everytime there is a big play it gets called back I don’t even get excited anymore
Why are we calling timeout…
It’s weird watching a primetime game where I don’t feel like a sicko watching it