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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Your claim that it’s victimless is, of course, false since real children are used in the training data without consent.

    Your assumption, but there are a ton of royalty-free images that contain children out there, more than enough for an AI to ‘learn’ proportions etc. Combine with adult nudity, and a generative AI can ‘bridge the gap’ create images of people that don’t exist (hence the word “generative”).

    This also ignores the fact that the result is child porn

    That’s not a fact. “Child porn” requires a child–pixels on a screen depicting the likeness of a person, and a person that does not actually exist in the real world to boot, is not a child.

    Lastly, your claim that any of this results in any reduction in child abuse is spurious and unsubstantiated.

    I’m just making a reasonable guess based on what’s been found about other things in the same subcategory (Japanese research found that those who have actually molested a kid were less likely to have consumed porn comics depicting that subject matter, than the general population), and in other sex categories, like how the prevalence of rape fantasy porn online correlates with a massive reduction of real-life rape.

    Seems pretty unlikely that this is going to be the one and only exception to date where a fictional facsimile doesn’t ‘satiate’ the urge to offend in real life, and instead encourages the ‘consumer’ to offend.

  • Do we know that AI child porn is bad? I could believe it would get them in the mood for the real thing and make them do it more, and I could believe it would make them go “ok, itch scratched”, and tank the demand for the real stuff.

    From bits/articles I’ve seen here and there over the years about other things that are kind of in the same category (porn comics with child characters in them, child-shaped sex dolls), the latter seems to be more the case.

    I’m reminded of when people were arguing that when Internet porn became widespread, the incidence of rape would go through the roof. And then literally the opposite happened. So…that pushes me toward hypothesizing that the latter is more likely to be the case, as well.

  • Downloading and possession of CSAM seems to be a common first step in a person initiating communication with a minor with the intent to meet up and abuse them.

    But this is like the arguments used to say that weed is a “gateway drug” by talking about how people strung out on harder drugs almost always have done weed as well, ignoring everyone who uses only weed. But this is even hazier because we literally have no real idea how many people consume that stuff but don’t ‘escalate’.

    I remember reading once in some research out of Japan that child molesters consume less porn overall than the average citizen, which seems counter-intuitive, but may not be, if you consider the possibility that maybe it (in this case, they were talking primarily about manga with anime-style drawings of kids in sexual situations) is actually curbing the incidence of the ‘real thing’, since the ones actually touching kids in the real world are reading those mangas less.

    I’m also reminded of people talking about sex dolls that look like kids, and if that’s a possible ‘solution’ for pedophiles, or if it would ‘egg on’ actual molestation.

    I think I lean on the side of ‘satiation’, from the limited bits of idle research I’ve done here and there. And if that IS in fact the case, then regardless of if it grosses me out, I can’t in good conscience oppose something that actually reduces the number of children who actually get abused, you know?

  • Like why are you comparing something that appreciated in value to billionaires?

    Because that’s how billionaires become billionaires. They buy stuff (or pieces of it, e.g. shares of stock) and continue to own it while it appreciates in value.

    This is why it’s possible for a billionaire’s net worth to swing up and down so wildly: net worth is a valuation, a price tag. It’s NOT an amount of cash money.

    Facts without sources are untrustworthy and more akin to opinions than facts.

    First off, stop using “opinion” wrong. An assertion can either be true or false. Opinions are subjective, in another category entirely. Facts and opinions are not opposites. This is grade school stuff.

    Secondly, give me an example of an assertion I made that you don’t “trust”. Bet I can back it up with very little Google time.

  • Your logic dictates that if I buy a rookie baseball card for $5, the player has a great season and now my card is worth $100, that $95 must have been taken from one or more other people, because you believe that increases in net worth cannot occur without theft.

    Pointing out that this makes no sense doesn’t require trust, just functioning logical thought processes.

  • in a lifetime, 15% of Americans have witnessed a shooting, 25% have been threatened with a gun, 12% have been shot at, and 4% have been shot.

    You’re not actually suggesting ‘once in a lifetime’ falls under “normal occurrence”, are you?

    This is also a partial goalpost move, since the original sentiment responded to was asserting that “being shot at” was normal, and you’re now citing other things like ‘seeing someone else shoot someone’, obviously an event that’s much more common relatively speaking (but still nowhere near “normal” for the average American).