Hi, i’m into programming, sexual transmutation and psychedelics!

  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I mean theoretically if you are hosting your own chat server, for example on Matrix, you can easily make all the chats unaccessible from the clients by issuing a command to shutdown your server or simply the chat server service if there’s no content cached locally.

    I think you can do this pretty easily with a raspberry pi by connecting via ssh…

    Just use a shell script that changes the static ip to something else after the command to shutdown the service/wipe out the data (depending on what your goal is) has been issued, or use a vpn or something like that if possible, because anyone issuing the command would need to know your server ip.

    And issuing a command by ssh to a remote server both from smartphone or pc should be as easy that you can actually build a very small app for that, or use some app that creates shortcuts that directly connects and issue custom commands.

    That way you are forced to give people your new ip every time chats become unaccessible/deleted and someone can’t connect back even if wanting to without talking to you, unless you decide you can use the older ip for whatever reason.

    Of course not using your real ip but using some service like a vpn or proxy (or tor?) would be much better here, but i don’t really know how.

    That can give you full power on the chat history and create the said “panic button” for every client involved.

  • Honestly when i first got into coding i liked the fact it could give me jobs i could do from every part of the world, that is still on demand and that gave a certain freedom on how you approach technology and customize it to make it your own, i always liked to tinker around with computer and i even have a small home server i use for several stuff. I loved how useful internet was to find informations otherwise unreachable and share stuff without censorship woth everyone, as i said i love the story of the cypherpunk movement, i see bitcoin as a real solution to our obsolete economy, and i thought i would have liked to have a role into changing this shitty system paradigms, my target was to work with lightining network or similar protocols maybe one day. However i feel like i’m changing lately and i’m lacking human interactions so much, there’s no point in building something toghether if there’s no emotions to share with others before, during and after the process. Maybe it’s just how i’m made, but i cannot stick to it, i just get super depressed and i see no point in doing it. Maybe i’m just lazy i don’t know, but it is like that.

    Adding the fact that sometimes i feel like technology controls me, and not the opposite despite all the efforts i make, feels just super wrong and not how i want to live.

    I’m studying webdevelopment so i’ve had the opportunity to work only on simple stuff so far, but it already feels super overwhelming, sometimes i get lost just in setting up my coding environment, just to realize it will only be one of many i’ll need to learn how to work with.

  • This is very interesting, makes me wanna share my experience too, in my case between 2 different custom ROMs, but with the same phone:

    • Lineage OS for microG but without device registration, cloud messaging and safety net disabled

    • /e/OS which is essentially lineage os for microg + tracker blocker but with all the device registration, cloud messaging and safety net enabled

    Both are rooted with magisk.

    e OS would consume MUCH more battery compared to my previous installation of Lineage, so i was wondering if those microG settings can actually change this much, or if pheraps it is the tracker blocker or something else… Another difference is that e/os has a more recent Android version than the version of LOS for microg i was using.

    Was your Calyx install clean or it had Gapps or microg or something similar?

  • The problem really isn’t the internet, the problem is how big techs, which have the necessary resources to build complex infrastructures, are dealing with it trying to costantlyincreaseing their profit, and that is son of our broken economical system.

    I’m a strong believer that for changing the internet we’ll first need to think about a new and different economic system, where there aren’t central institutions printing money for nothing, and that, as always happened in history, has to start again by switching back to a deflatory system.

    Now if i think about a deflatory economic system on which software can be built on i cannot think something else of Bitcoin, if lightning network is the layer granting micropayments on it, software built on lightning network can be what makes us detatch from this shitty web based on ads and unrestricted profilation.

    It’s still on its infancy but honestly i don’t think a decentralized network more trusted than bitcoin exists worldwide. Installing a full node/lightning node with every internet modem ineveruy home would make the infrastructure for a completely different internet.

    I’ve been seeing some projects built on lightning network like the impervious browser, it kinda vanished, much more work is still needed.

    In my opinion that’s what we would need to work for, we can’t exclude the economic model from the internet because that’s just how our society works and always worked, collaboration is needed to build something better togheter, and that most of the times requires and is facilitated by some form of economical incentive. But we need a different type of incentive.