• 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • [Edit: Sorry, I was in a hurry and slaughtered this answer. I wanted to just give a reply in case no one else did, but bungled it. There’s detailed replies to the above answer the better spell out that they can’t regulate what someone does in a different state. I suggest reading the other responses to better understand this, and ignoring this one. I’ll leave it just so you can see how not to respond in a hurry.]

    In general, it’s not illegal and is the basis behind the states rights movement.

    It’s been an ongoing thing in the US, probably forever. I think Louisiana still had a legal drinking age of 18 until the mid-80s when they finally changed it to 21 – only because Reagan was going to withhold federal money from the state. People still have to drive to wet counties/states if they live in a dry one (eg. no alcohol can be sold).

    There are some things where crossing the border and doing something can get you in trouble, like trafficking or reselling certain things.

  • I like the idea of visiting other places and exploring, but I think I’d want to spend longer in each place. For the times I’ve travelled, I enjoyed the extended stays most where I really got to get past the surface and travel to the non-touristy places.

    I honestly don’t know what I’d do with the infinite money. Definitely not having problems would be nice. First thing I’d do is probably make sure all my friends were set and comfortable for life and retirement. Then go from there.