really I have a pair of xm4s and with the noise cancling on I cant hear anything. it sounds like the sensor the controls ambiant is broken.
really I have a pair of xm4s and with the noise cancling on I cant hear anything. it sounds like the sensor the controls ambiant is broken.
its a very hard song on the headphones so when you play it with alot of power it can damage them.
somthing is always going to be the limiting factor. but unless you are getting stupidly high end headphones your cable is not going to be your limiting factor.
you are probably going to have the same problem with any noise cancling headphone. I own a pair of xm4s and use them pretty much for the ambiant noise filtering. they can get a bit hot in the summer. with out the noise cancling they are alright headphones. pretty much all of the major wireless headphones in that price bracket are close enough together in terms of sound that if your not doing any critical listening your not going to gain or loose anything by switching to another pair of headphones. so I think that you need to ask your self if you want to try a diffrent style of headphones.