no thoughts, only froggo
Yeah. Regular cars can cause so much death and destruction, and making that death and destruction happen a 100 meters above the ground isn’t a great idea. At least drunk drivers don’t fall randomly.
That’s why you should have good teachers. Replacing them with machines isn’t a solution, because kids have to learn from other humans. That’s kinda how our species works. Learning isn’t just based on strings of words, but also human interaction.
Have good boots for winter, because ice or packed snow is slippery and often unavoidable. And when you’re picking the boots, make sure they have enough space for thick socks.
If you are walking down a very snowy hill or something, I’ve found out that stepping with your heel first, so that your foot creates a stair-like step helps. Useful if it happens to be a path you use often.
Think about warm clothing and plan ahead. Especially in fall or spring, having extra warm clothing with you is super useful even if you don’t need it at the moment, because you can never know when it gets suddenly colder.
Dress in layers. For example, the upper body could have the following layers:
shirt you wear indoors
thicker shirt/sweater
possibly another sweater
That’s so weird. When I used to trick-or-treat (not murican so it was different ofc, and also we went to apartment doors instead of houses) I always assumed that if someone had a candy bowl it was just because they weren’t home that night, and I think I preferred it when they answered the door and gave us the candy themselves. It was nice to show off my costume and perhaps even get a compliment from an adult pretending to be scared.
You really think we don’t understand your politics even though we see them being discussed every day all day online and they affect us all the time? I happen to have Mr. Putin as my neighbor, and if that orange shithead wins the election on the other side of the pond, I’m fucked. You Yanks really seem to underestimate the effect your politics have on the entire world and how invested everyone else is in them.
But what about the economy?!?
If you use q-tips to clean your ears, first use a wet one, and then a dry one. Did wonders for me.
Nuh-uh, people have been painting realistic pictures for wayy longer than that.
Here’s a Roman painting circa 40 BC.
This is from about 600-something AD.
12th or 13th century AD.
Also I think that possibly photograph-like realism may just not have been something artists aimed for, so they just created other styles that the next generation of artists learned to copy, and repeated that until someone came up with a new style.
Isn’t capitalism grand?
Oh, you’re just a stupid reactionary. Get blocked idiot.
Because a 3 year old is SENTINENT. It can FEEL things, unlike a fetus.
Pineapples don’t grow on trees. Take that A’I’ slop somewhere else.
those pesky protestors mildly inconviencing me >:(
What if there were small notepads that were attached to a bracelet thingy (like a watch) so that they were always with you?
Just imagine how delighted birds and squirrels would be if introduced to writing and notebooks. We have huge brains yet I can’t remember where I left my stuff 5 minutes ago.
I don’t think that would be environmentally friendly.
okay but getting the flint is a pain in the ass
Don’t give money to Big Guillotine, build your own.