@LucidDaemon @Aurenkin out of curiosity, how long have you been using Helix and what do you like about it? I tried it awhile back and liked it, but it wasn’t able to break VS Code’s iron grip on my dev workflow.
Software engineer and content manager at The Gnar Company. Lover of chicken nuggets.
@LucidDaemon @Aurenkin out of curiosity, how long have you been using Helix and what do you like about it? I tried it awhile back and liked it, but it wasn’t able to break VS Code’s iron grip on my dev workflow.
@yournameplease These things are, unfortunately, pretty common.
OP admitted they were pretty green though, so they’ll learn with time what makes a good employer for their work style.
Honestly, I’d say stick with it for a bit just to have the experience. Then move on to a different company, which will be a different experience. If it’s better, they’ll appreciate their new job; if it’s worse, they’ll know that their first job wasn’t as bad as they thought.