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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • But, they could, anything could happen, and then you don’t have that library anymore. Physical is the only way to truly own.

    That’s exactly my point. Steam has allowed me to OWN Half Life longer than I would have been able to with physical media. Those CDs don’t last that long. I’m not that careful.

    So the balance is “own my own stuff and all the problems that come with keeping it pristine so that it continues to work, taking up space in my house” - or the infinitesimally small chance that STEAM goes belly up. Steam has allowed me to own my games for a lot longer than I could have kept them myself. So the argument of “oh they could go away!” doesn’t really hold any water for me. Especially for games with an online component (which is all of them now) – What’s the use of physical media when the game requires some servers that vanished long ago anyways?

  • There’s kind of a bell curve of users where their needs are so simple that Linux use is great for them. They’ll never do anything more complex than visit a webpage in Firefox, and that’s great.

    Then as your needs get more and more complex, Linux isn’t quite a good fit – You’ll want to use a specific printer, or a specific software (looking at you solidworks!), or you’ll have some sort of organization that requires you use MS Office, etc. – There are ways around all of that stuff, but if you’re not already on the train, it can get frustrating.

    Up until your needs get even more complex, where Linux starts becoming the best choice again - You want a tiling window manager, and ipv6 with firewall and ZFS on the network etc.

    It’s the middle bell curve where your new user is already kind-of a power user, but not quite a technical-user yet that gets people.

  • Yeah, see that’s the kicker. Calling this “computer nerd stuff” just gives away your real thinking on the matter. My high school daughters use this to finish their essay work quickly, and they don’t really know jack about computers.

    You’re right that old people are bailing - they tend to. They’re ignorant, they don’t like to learn new and better ways of doing things, they’ve raped our economy and expect everything to be done for them. People who embrace this stuff will simply run circles around those who don’t. That’s fine. Luddites exist in every society.

  • So you got the wrong information about an app once. When a GPT is scoring higher than 97% of human test takers on the SAT and other standardized testing - what does that tell you about average human intelligence?

    The thing about GPTs is that they are just word predictors. Lots of time when asked super specific questions about small subjects that people aren’t talking about - yeah - they’ll hallucinate. But they’re really good at condensing, categorizing, and regurgitating a wide range of topics quickly; which is amazing for most people.

  • Holy BALLS are you getting a lot of garbage answers here.

    Have you seen all the other things that generative AI can do? From bone-rigging 3D models, to animations recreated from a simple video, recreations of voices, art created from people without the talent for it. Many times these generative AIs are very quick at creating boilerplate that only needs some basic tweaks to make it correct. This speeds up production work 100 fold in a lot of cases.

    Plenty of simple answers are correct, breaking entrenched monopolies like Google from search, I’ve even had these GPTs take input text and summarize it quickly - at different granularity for quick skimming. There’s a lot of things that can be worthwhile out of these AIs. They can speed up workflows significantly.

  • Yes, absolutely there are some examples of that through history - but the things you talk about weren’t done for the express purpose of harming black society. They didn’t install roads JUST to roll over black neighborhoods, it’s that those neighborhoods were conveniently black so it aligned with their racism.

    And the other things you state are tax distribution moreso than roads. Car culture is not anti-black, as it’s one of the few things that actually allow a lot of minority cultures to express themselves. Donks, Lowriders, etc - all allowed Hispanic, Black, and otherwise marginalized communities to come together over something we all enjoyed.

    I don’t know why nobody understands that cars aren’t just transportation for a lot of people. They are a point of pride, they are something that people enjoy, customize, and genuinely love. It would be wrong to say that cars and car culture is anti black.