this belongs in c/ABoringDystopia
this belongs in c/ABoringDystopia
It might be fingerprifting your browser. Give TorBrowser a try
There’s substantial evidence that what DeepSeek did here is they distilled the knowledge out of OpenAI’s models […]
I will explain what this means in a moment, but first: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Lemmy and Karl
or something, idk I’m not american
In the following days, we are sickened by the racially motivated hate riots whipped up by social media posts and exacerbated by irresponsible political rhetoric. Later, those arrested for violent assault and arson will be sentenced to an average of two years. The contrast between their sentences and my own feels grim and stark. Fellow prisoners tell me they are shocked by the discrepancy.
cause of corporate bootlickers
hey, I need my daily dose of nonsense to survive
retrader simps
are you basing this on previous words he used ?
how have you not seen it ? it’s been around for ages !
but I agree, it’s freakin hilarious
to those who don’t already know Fireship, go check this guy out !
he’s hilarious, and absolutely dunking on the dumbest trends of the tech industry
huh, nice to learn a little etymology once in a while !
any idea how the expression “nebunii ăștia chiar nu mai știu cum să-i sugă pula omului portocaliu” came to be ?
how was Shkreli not Luigi’d already ?
sounds awesome
I can picture one where he breeds little clones of themselves with Elon as his spouse
Smokie McSmokeface
more like “vee cannot be ze baddies, vee arrhe victims. anyone disagreeing vill be terrhminated”
don’t we say “homie” now ?
who would have thought that the front page of the internet could also be one of its many giant prolapsed flapping assholes ?
not just regrading to this specific issue though
it should be called “Blellowland”
Change my mind