What a nice fellow.
Fishes be like “wait a minute, you ain’t Kevin, he was wearing a blue blazer!”
If these burglars happened to be the same ones that stole Charlie Villanueva’s toilet that would be hilarious.
My girlfriend is just getting into videogames, she started playing New Leaf recently and always send me videos of the stuff she unlocks, I only played the DS one, but gotta say, New Leaf sure looks fun.
Would love to use a MP3 player with wired earphones but the kinda decent ones are like $200 — which may not be much for some but it is for me and my third-world salary.
You have a WonderSwan Color? That’s so cool, I always wanted one.
I need complete silence for stuff that require precision and concentration, working and reading are the main ones. I could read manga or something in a not so quiet environment but that’s it.
Reminds me when Morgan Freeman said he didn’t want a Black History Month, I immediately went like “dude, shut the f*** up”.
Weekend at Bernie’s, I really like it.
That’s true, my wifi was coming and going so I didn’t get to elaborate more in my original comment.
To quote user Earflap: what?
That’s because the amount of alcohol you need to survive is 0, sugar on the other hand is both, needed and “bad”.
You’re probably thinking of “Fediprose”.
It tastes like cheese.
Yeah, the company that donated one million dollar to a mfer that promised nothing but fascism is not fascist…
I honestly don’t know since I’ve never done it myself, would have to ask my mom or something.
But mostly the chips thing, right?
That sounds like the plot of a sitcom.
The hammer is pure chaos, I love it!