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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • People seem to think those of us that dislike mediabias bot are downvoting because we don’t like the “liberal media” when I’m a blue voter… I hate the bot because I don’t like the idea of people simply looking to one “authority” on something and trusting it without actually reading the article or doing their own research. Plus it pushes ground news. Which sounds I guess good in theory, but considering they’re advertising like crazy through YouTubers, and the history of advertisers on YouTubers that end up being found to be doing shitty practices… I’m downvoting because who watches the watchmen kind of idea. This is trying to act as the watchmen and it just is another dumbing down of people who refuse to simply look into something themselves and understand bias in their own capacity.

  • I’ve been screaming it practically at people that were seeing a ton of things returning to pre pandemic levels this year as a ton of government money/programs ran out. There’s going to be an adjustment for people where they freak out and think everything is a sign of a recession, but I’m just not seeing any of those same signs. That’s not to say things aren’t going great, but it’s definitely not like a lot of these articles where they try to sound an alarm that doesn’t need to be sounded.

  • The country most famous for the bidet trend is France and currently swimming in the Seine is still looking impossible. If my infrastructure is so shitty and 3rd world here at least my lakes, rivers and water ways are all clean enough for me to use.

    Every country has its problems, but calling the US 3rd world is just your brain being full of straight negative propaganda. Simultaneously not every French River is unusable or every country filled with Bidets an actual mark of their progress. Go experience a country first before just talking shit.

    Also, stable government?? Literally our biggest problem is that our government has been so stable that it has changed for 240 years.

  • While I agree those are major issues, the other big reason is that we have a lot of countries doing a lot of PsyOps on our nation. That’s what happens when you’re the “world power” and people want to bring you down. The Chinese outnumber us 2.5 to 1 and the Russians and North Koreans are happy to help. As are the Iranians, half of South America and a number of middle eastern countries. It’s sort of inevitable. The problem is that when we started making and deploying this technology we put zero safe guards in place to protect the average American from this.