• 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I think the reason I don’t follow that idea is that it sounds so similar to Neville Chamberlain’s “Peace for our Time”. The slaughter would just be put on pause, but would last longer and become more dangerous in 2 years time.

    I see a difference between that and the handling of Gaza, which Trump would very much continue supporting Israel on. He wouldn’t put American troops on the ground, but he’s been saying his peace plan is for Israel to “get the job done”. This is very much what we did in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we saw how that played out. I understand there is a belief that stopping support for Israel means the death of Israel, but with BB, he is only accelerating this by continued genocide of Palestinians.

    There are idealists (and I will fully admit some anti-semites) who would love to see the end of a Jewish state, and there are those who would look for a two state solution. Trump and BB have made it clear that they are not for a two state solution and are pushing for complete annihilation of the Palestinian people. Trump is not a peacemaker.

  • I mean I do agree with the points that it would be torture for Trump to have to choose between being the focus of a witch hunt or the pitiful disgraced president who only was saved by the kindness of his opponent. When I heard Biden is “throwing down the gauntlet” to debate Trump again, I let out the biggest groan. If I were him I wouldn’t give Trump a platform to look like an equal. I know it feels good to want to beat the living shit out of Trump, but I understand from a political perspective that it might not be the best strategy to win in 2024. I liked it better when Biden was acting senile and not childish.

    After that it’s hard not to see the negative consequences of pardoning Trump. There should be a message to other politicians that we are not afraid to send you to jail.

  • I agree with so many folks on this thread- your friend is pushing one set of social queues that they abide by, but that isn’t everyone.

    I think this has more to do with communication over text, as there are NO physical cues to help gauge tone. I’m not autistic, however when texting I’ve learned to practice mirroring for each person I chat with. If I notice they end their sentences without punctuation, I’ll adopt that. If I notice more emojis, I’ll have fun with that, or hold off if it seems that they don’t use them.

    A big one for me is using “!”. I usually will use “!” to signal excitement/ friendly tone, however I’ve learned some people see it as an angry tone and thought I was freaking out about what they said.

    When I talked to my therapist, he noted with his clients that 90% of disputes start over social media/ texting. I almost lost a friend when they sent me a lecture from a professor talking about the Israeli/ Palestine conflict. A few days later I saw a funny music composition video titled “old MacDonald had a lobotomy”. I thought I was just sending a funny video, but she thought it was in response to her video, and I got a stern text that I had to clear up.