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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I think the clumsily forcing children to relive their trauma in an unwelcoming environment with strangers without any preparation for how that might go wrong is the part that seems the most harmful.

    Regardless though, any time a scientific study is being performed on an at risk population there are a set of safeguards and guardrails that need to be put in place to ensure safety and ethics. Children of First Nations families who have experienced trauma are one of the most vulnerable groups I can possibly think of, who don’t have the same ability to advocate for themselves or the same safety nets as others.

    You’re correct that this seems to have done less harm than many of the egregious examples of experiments or acts done to native peoples on colonized land, but the fact is that in the 21st century every group, regulatory body, ethics review board, and government agency that was involved in this seemed to shrug and leave these kids in the hands of a lunatic who thought he could teach them to fly or talk to angels by altering brainwaves

    Sure it could have been worse and this doctor could have caused more harm than he did, but honestly the fact that he was given the access, funding, and opportunities he was is a resounding indictment of the system as a whole regardless of what he did with them

  • I know a bit about Canada’s history there, I appreciate you sharing more information.

    The level of disregard our society has for indigenous populations and the injustices they suffer is heartbreaking and infuriating, most people seem to think it’s either a problem of the past or an uncomfortable conversation to ignore

  • Totally agree, I remember how amazed I was the first time I rode in a Tesla and the first time I got to drive one. The car is so fun, I especially love being able to stay warm sleeping in the car on snowboard trips or winter camping. The core is there it’s just crazy the little user experience and quality control things are starting to slip more and more.

    Not sure how you revolutionize the industry and develop crazy battery tech but are stopped by windshield wipers, turn signals, and suspensions. I hope they can replace Elon and get their focus back, but I hope he finds a nice bounce castle or something to fuck with rather than shifting his focus to ruining twitter lol

  • Unfortunately I’m on the other side of that, my family has a Tesla which has been to the shop more times in the 2 years we’ve owned it than our past 3 cars combined needed to over more than 20 years. We have genuinely researched lemon laws it’s so bad. The windshield wipers hit each other and broke, the windshield stress fractured for no reason, the camera was full of water when we drove it off the lot, the side fender fell off on a country road 2 weeks after that… I could go on for ages.

    I think the earlier models when Elon was less of an unhinged arrogant asshole doing his best to follow Kanye’s arc and wasn’t inserting himself into the design process randomly (make the steering wheel square, make a space truck no one needs, make it have stupid windshield wipers, etc.) were much better.

    My family needed a loaner while our car was in for one of the many repairs and they gave us the previous model of our same car, made 2 years earlier, and it was much better. Other people I know with older models haven’t suffered from the same issues.

    To me it seems that Elon’s leadership is now actively harming the company and making the cars worse, they have serious quality control issues which are leading to out of control repair and service expenses for the company, and are designing features based on what an out of touch billionaire manchild thinks would be neat instead of what any sane average consumer needs from a vehicle.

    Things like the turn signal being on the wheel making signaling 2 turns back to back in opposite directions extremely difficult, making the horn a tiny off center button with no ability to feel so you have to take your eyes off the road to find it, glove boxes that won’t open unless you navigate to the right submenu of a terrible ui, gullwing doors that don’t open all the way reliably, a steering wheel that isn’t round and makes driving less comfortable, the deep flaws in optical only self driving, a work truck that can’t actually accomplish work, etc. are all glaring issues which should become clear in user testing, but as the famous “bulletproof” window smashing demo indicated: Tesla either doesn’t do adequate or even baseline testing, or (as I believe) Elon is just too arrogant to listen to the smart people around him who might point out those issues and has created an echo chamber of yes men afraid to point out obvious problems