They make an episode in a weeks time, there are random episodes, but if they take something out of the news it’s news, not history. They are not a political satire series, they pointed out what is wrong in society in general. First time trump was that dumb, it was hard to believe he would really be a serious candidate. They made fun of that, they took it to the top, so, they thought, but the top of their imagination lacks behind the reality we are in now. Biden is old news, trump is the only thing in the media, you can’t make satire of trump, there is nothing more to point out.
So i am a girl, didn’t know. Thanks I guess
If 80% is enough, there is not much to loose that is usually where the battery health finds its plateau after some years. I rather change my battery once it hits 80% health after two years. I don’t want to use it like it would behave when the battery is already dead.
I really don’t see the worth in hassling with KDE. Theres nothing wrong with GNOME
And windows has .zip? That’s not the same…