I took “rather than the other way around” to mean “rather than negatively-correlated” in this context, since positively was emphasized
I took “rather than the other way around” to mean “rather than negatively-correlated” in this context, since positively was emphasized
It sounds to me like people who grew up in one part of this graph need help from people who grew up in another part of this graph? I wonder which is which
We had to replace the entire screen assembly for that at the time but I’m sure it’s possible to do something less drastic if you are just working on your own machine
I worked on repairing Macs during that period and I suspect that no wifi card except this specific one would fit in the relevant slot of the machine.
They weren’t standard formats as far as I know and couldn’t be used across models because the shape of the actual card was never the same. It’s possible the connectors didn’t change though, or that a third party manufacturer made new cards specifically for that model, although that seems unlikely.
Another commenter (u/bloodfart) wrote that the connector was a standard mini pcie connector; I can’t confirm but that’s plausible and would mean it’s a lot more likely that an upgrade may be possible
One note of caution, it was really easy for an uninitiated repair person to sever the antenna wire from its connector when trying to disconnect or reconnect them, the cables are quite thin
Oh I see; I knew they stopped supporting it after a while but I thought the official app was a descendent of that codebase
The comparison is even more apt when you remember that the official Reddit app also used to be the most popular and great 3rd-party app called AlienBlue, which was purchased from 1 guy and rebranded a decade ago.
It’s pretty clear that the reason why the official Reddit app isn’t good is because a good experience for their users isn’t their goal.
I had a blunt umbrella several years ago (not the compact model however) and it was great quality and would buy it again. I sadly lost mine a while back
There’s a channel called Improbable Matter on YouTube created by a scientist formerly working on fusion with a super interesting series about fusion power https://www.youtube.com/@ImprobableMatter
I agree with you; I think it is indeed the absolute bare minimum they had to do but I also agree with xc2215x that it’s a good move. They moved from -100 to -99 on my shithead-o-meter scale
I mean, Substack lit all the benefit of the doubt I had for them on fire with their previous response.
This new action doesn’t restore that, but all things being equal, I do want nazi shitheads to be de-platformed and have their funding cut off.
I think one can both acknowledge that they finally did a move in the correct direction and still think that they suck overall
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
(… from almost 10 years ago now jesus)
I see where you are coming from, but it is imperative that your head moves to see in the blind spots of the car; it’s the large section of the surroundings of the car that mirrors are not covering or that are hidden by pillars or other structures of your car if you head stays still.
I don’t think it’s a big deal if you otherwise check your mirrors, speed, rpm, etc using peripheral vision, but if your head isn’t moving and always points forward, it’s physically impossible to stay aware of everything happening around you because there are large chunks you never see
As a parent who doesn’t try to convince childless people to have children… fair point.