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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023

  • Three good categories, I’d throw in the jtbd ( jobs-to-be-done) framework of a customer hiring for functional / emotional / social jobs!

    My mom taught me there are two radio stations people listen to WIFM ( Whats in it for me) & MMFGAM ( make me feel good about myself), so thats another way to look at it, maybe layer it with…

    I’ll buy something which makes my life easier that… Save’s me time Save me money Makes me look good ( status)

    To me it’s all about hiring ( buying) products & services that align with what we feel looks and feels like a progress pathway to our next best version of ourselves ( through hundreds of NBA - Next Best Actions we take which we are either following a blueprint ( taught to us by parents / family… Nurture) or societal Norms or role models / false idols… When reality “life itself” ( great movie BTW) is an unreliable narrator and we are simply fumbling our way thru learning how to live life! ( our daily 1440 min / 1% of our day is 14 min - apply this to creating new habits / n’ stacking)

    Trust me I’m still learning and buying products I envision helping to build a happier index version of myself! ( constant iteration)

  • A good lens to explore the principle of

    1. Save someone time doing something ( time = money)
    2. Make someone money ( give them a tool or process in making money)
    3. Improve status ( make them look good to their peers or a social ladder) this isn’t the easiest of the three.

    Hack, test the sentiment on Twitter or forums
    / search for anyone who said the following words “I hate” - it when…or ‘I wish’ I could and you will find a friction so deep people are willing to tell the world about their pains x then focusing on finding a deep enough pain that has a big market size and are willing to part $ with to get a solution.