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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Not a single post about Prey (2017), the Arkane’s immersive sim gem set aboard the Talos I space station orbiting the Moon? I expected more of you, people!

    Prey is a wonderful game. I think it wouldn’t lie make a mistake by designating it an RPG and an immersive sim, given its various skills (that are actually more than a few stat changes here and there - they affect, dictate the way you play the game), the multitude of ways you can approach so many things from puzzles to locations where you’re supposed to be to pretty much any in-game decision.

    Prey’s world is rather small, but in the best way possible - it’s a space station, called Talos I, orbiting the Earth’s only moon (the Moon), doing some bleeding edge scientific research thanks to its diverse crew of the very best people Earth could send there. Talos I itself is split into different sections, each with its own purpose, making them unique locations with their own dangers and breath-taking sights; some interiors are spacious and let you navigate the level in stealthy ways, avoiding the hostiles entirely (if you have the wits!), and some are narrower, but many still offer you an alternate path to your destination if you look hard enough.

    Prey lets you do stuff. You don’t like crawling in silence, trying to stay away from a fight until you hoover up every resource you can to make you “ready” to face the enemy? Go gun blazing - there’s no shortage of unique lethal tech at your disposal! You want to play a certain role, like be a mad menace to society? Feel free to murder everything you see, either with your own hands or by letting them die another brutal death! You want to be a true video game hero, saving each and every one? Roll your sleeves and get to work, because there sure is some saving to do!

    Prey is the game where you think you know what’s going on, but you actually don’t. There will be surprises, and there will be moments of awe, and they’re all just done so well.

    And last, but not least, is its magnificent soundtrack by Mick Gordon. The game looks gorgeous, and sometimes can give you some spooks, but the music completes the puzzle, setting its eerie atmosphere.

    It’s a game you will likely play more than once to experience everything it has to offer. The game does not force you to do this or that, it does not explicitly tell you what skills to pick to be a good person, and it does not block one path if you’ve already taken another one, but you sure will experience the call of curiosity: “What if I chose only that?” Whatever you choose, you have the ability to craft yourself a unique playthrough, each equally interesting and viable.

  • I think this kind of politics has been doing pretty alright before Twitter as well. They may have been lucky to have an entire platform dedicated to them in some way, but all it’s done is gather all the populists in one place to happily form echo chambers. It’s what Facebook has been for years, too.

    We’re probably more aware of it than we used to be when this style was more spread out, but this bullshit has been doing well before, is doing well, and will do well with or without Twitter or any platform that forces short, clear-cut messages. People like this shit - this is the prime reason that counties living under dictatorship often have people praising their leaders for being “strong and effective”, i.e. if it sounds good, it must be good, with little firrheer analysis taking place; stickijg the the dictatorships example, you’ll often see the opposition followers falling very well for the same kind of populist talk or doing away with the past and punishing the dictator and their enablers.

  • Not to mention that the discussion is almost guaranteed to consist of similarly short (or even shorter) witty one-liners. Twitter format is just horrible, and its restrictions promote equally horrible behavior where you have to look for ways to convey ideas and feeling in a short manner, which almost never results in more polite and sophisticated conversations.

    Never used Twitter for anything more serious than some announcements from the game devs I follow. Anything else is just plain stupid, which makes me really surprised over the wide-spread adoption of Twitter by officials and ministries and the like.

    And raising the character limit is going to be even more absurd, because then it’s going to be reminiscent of an actual forum, just less structured and sensible.

    Twitter, as a format, is the worst option between messengers like Matrix and proper forums of any kind.

  • I was actually trying to call out basically every smartphone out there because they have to be packing multicore CPUs with at least 3 GB of RAM in order to be functional.

    My current phone has 2 GB, and almost all of it is dedicated to the Android system itself, even without any shells (i.e. not MiUI or anything like that, which is basically Android OS plus something on top, eating up even more resources), and can be really painful to use at times. I seem to have won some performance back by switching to Via browser instead of the native Google Chrome, YMusic instead of the native YouTube app, and RedReader for Reddit (might kiss goodbye to that some time soon, as we all know) - the rest of the applications I use either lack a proper mobile version of the website (viewing some with the desktop option on is horrible), a lightweight alternative, or both. I also don’t have the memory to download every single app for the websites I use as they keep suggesting - more importantly, I don’t want to.

    When I’m on PC, I use the web applications available for nearly every single thing I use - but oh no, I can’t do that on mobile, I need an app, which I’d have to update frequently, wasting even more space with the piss-poor solutions they go for in the name of profits.

    Damn I’m getting worked up talking software and especially the mobile world.

  • Man, this whole API thing really makes me think of how much of a shithole the web is, still after all those years.

    I basically have to buy a keyboardless laptop with an awkward resolution if I have to buy a smartphone, all because the software for it is less than optimized crap that mostly just spies on you for the sake of ad revenue, and then leaves garbage all over the system it barely ever cleans up. A wonderful package for a multi-core, multi-threaded CPU paired with at least 3 GB RAM (if that’s even enough today) that you almost certainly can’t use with any comfort to browse the web because almost no one who pays big money to their devs cares that these devs build a proper mobile version of the website - which is part of nearly every webdev interview anyway, and for what, just to make me download the app anyway? What a fucking joke, honestly.

    Web on desktop is just as much of a disgrace for all the bloat.