That actually sounds kinda awesome. Can’t wait to torrent the X-Files over websdr or some shit while pretending it’s Russian number stations
That actually sounds kinda awesome. Can’t wait to torrent the X-Files over websdr or some shit while pretending it’s Russian number stations
Can’t wait for the highly dystopic future where we transfer files via smoke signals
Now this is the gaming news I want to hear
Exactly. Whatever happened to, blame the artist not the tools?
Sokal affair but with more rat ballz
I love that lil rainbow caterpillar in the thumbnail. Look at that dude
That’s just the Life of Boris youtube channel
he didn’t admit shit
he didn’t fake shit
Girls have to pee all the time because they don’t have balls so they can’t store as much pee right
They all look so happy…
I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised. What was it, that thing with Star Trek Discovery taking plot points from some adventure game with space-faring tardigrades?
I don’t think I’d expect political neutrality from the admin of a website literally called “veganism” anyway.
Youtube: Nooooo!! You can’t say the fuck-fuck word in the first three minutes of the video and you can’t cover content that isn’t friendly to our advertisers!! If you do anything out of line we will demonetize you!!!
Meanwhile, Google:
yeah pretty much
I’ve got a big pirate flag hanging up in my room, is that good enough?
Me literally right now
That is a very good point. It seems like his argument is that, since we have no free will, we should stop trying to do anything to control others’ actions… which in itself is suggesting to control others’ actions. Furthermore regardless of whether we have free will or not, however you want to define it- punishing bad behavior discourages it and provides better outcomes for the world at large. It’s like he’s saying people just blindly act according to some non-free-will principle without taking in any environmental input, which just seems ridiculous. And implying that specifically applies only to bad behavior, which just seems like he’s being smugly pessimistic as a gotcha. “Ha ha, the world is bad, if you disagree with me you’re just a hopeless optimist” sort of thing.
Make our own search engine with hookers and blackjack
And that’s why you swallow eight spiders a night or whatever it was. Mmm, protein