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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • At the moment, it’s moreso that these are already existing medical dispensaries that have been cleared to sell recreational starting tomorrow, which is almost all of them (we don’t have that many in the state right now, anyway - I think around 130 at this point, many very recently opened). They’re still, as far as I’m aware, setting up the process for a rec-only selling license, so it remains to be seen how quickly we will reach saturation. Prices will remain high here for quite some time, though, I think - probably until it’s federally legal to sell cannabis across state lines. Our growing system is kind of shit and I don’t see that changing soon.

  • Thanks, saved me the effort 😂

    Edit, although I do want to add: he spent TWO YEARS grooming this little girl online. Started when she was 10. Then, after 2 years of online pedo fuckery, fucking flew himself to the UK to rape the poor girl. This was not “dumb 19 year old does dumb 19 year old things”, as gross as that would be on its own. This was TWO FUCKING YEARS OF PREMEDITATION PRIOR TO RAPING HER.

    Sentenced to 4 years, only actually served about 1 if I recall correctly. Disgusting.

  • I mean, how about my boring example from work the other day? I wanted to double check whether priority mail had guaranteed delivery timeframes before telling a customer that they did not and if she needed something by a specific day she should use UPS. When I searched “is priority mail delivery date guaranteed”, the first real answer, from USPS’s website, was a resounding no, just like I thought. Guess what Google’s AI told me? “Priority mail is a guaranteed service, so you can choose it knowing that your package will be delivered on the projected date.”

    It’s fucking stupid. It’s wrong. It should not be at the top of search results.

  • I’ll grant you that the article is kind of shite, but as someone who is stuck in a house I’d rather be rid of, it resonated with me. I don’t like my house.

    We were first time buyers and ended up with a bit of a lemon, which we’ve put a lot of work into but it doesn’t make it a house we love. We’ve been there for 7 years, we tried to move once and COVID fucked it up, and now we’re stuck in a city suburb neither of us really want to live in anymore, in a house that we’re sick of, with neighbors who are growing increasingly conservative that we would rather see the back of. Despite the fact that we’ve technically got over 100k equity on our house now thanks to value inflation we can’t afford a move because even with a 100k down payment any house we actually want is now 450k+ and our monthly payments with a 7-8% mortgage rate would be 3x what our current payment is.

    So like, yay, we have a house and at least that’s good, and we’re secure because our payments are low! But also, I want to fucking leave this place, I hate it, I hate my neighbors, I hate this state, and yeah, we’re fucking stuck because even with all our newfound equity we’re still poor af according to the rules of the game and it fucking sucks.

  • I mean, there’s support and then there’s enabling. Not all things that ND people do are good, either for them or those around them. We as a community don’t act like it’s ok for Autistic people to go around grabbing women’s tits “cause they don’t understand social conventions” (though I’ve absolutely come across this argument before, which infuriated me), why would we act like it’s ok for NPD people to manipulate and emotionally abuse those around them “cause it’s just the way they are”? The goal is to support them in a way that limits harm: both the harm that comes to them from outside, and the harm they can do to others.

  • They do have a say in whether or not they want to raise it. No one is demanding that they be active and attentive parents. They’re just being told that they need to help financially support the child that they had an active hand in creating.

    Until UBI and true test tube births are a thing, pregnancy will always put all of the risk on the birth giver. This is inherently unfair. In order to even out that risk, the non-birthing parent should be required to support the child to a minimum level.

    Granted, UBI and universal support would entirely negate the need for this discussion and it’s what we should be working towards in the long run, but we can’t just… not support the kids in the mean time.