You loss, I’m win? Man, that’s not even grammar. Take another English course, you illiterate clown. (That means you can’t speak English, read it or spell, since I’m sure you don’t know what that means) back to your hovel.
You loss, I’m win? Man, that’s not even grammar. Take another English course, you illiterate clown. (That means you can’t speak English, read it or spell, since I’m sure you don’t know what that means) back to your hovel.
Lmao got a real tiny PP and a big fucking mouth don’t you. You are quiet now.
It’s so funny that you have to say so much about other countries, what country are you from? One that contributes nothing to the world except 3rd world little angry turds like yourself I’m willing to bet. You typing this from a shanty right now bud?
I never said that, I hate trump. Lol. You faaaaaar left are fucking weirdos. You just can’t handle someone pointing how hypocritical you all are. It’s the same as all of you passing judgment on regular Americans who didn’t vote for this shit call all of us nazis, you are prejudiced nationalist asshats.
I never said he was, I was just pointing out that the shit ass Israelis are now the nazis too. He is right.
Israel doesn’t remember the holocaust, they are too busy genociding Arabs. Who’s the nazi trash now?
Hello games has made it so that I can’t mod the game for like 10 years now lol. Not that I’m complaining but dayum! Great job hello games. The dedication and not charging for the new dlc stuff is insane, that’s value
I understand but he isn’t a good father so he would never fill that role anyways. I was unfortunate enough to not have a father after age 10 due to him being a mentally ill alcoholic drug abusing monster, so I’m a little biased as my life only got better without him.
Then he chose not to reach out and your relationship in broken from his side. Ultimately it will be his decision if he wants to open that door back up. Who instigated the initial argument? Is this US politics related?
Why would you want to fix it if he constantly pushes your boundaries purposely? If he didn’t contact you on your wedding, was he invited? Did you ask him to come? That’s one thing. If you didn’t well, that’s kinda the precedence you set by not speaking to him, so why would he? You made a decision to stop talking to him based on your boundaries, either concede some of those boundaries or get used to it. My shitbag brother set strange boundaries when he had his kids and got real weird out of nowhere such as no TV for then kids ever, no video games like we grew up playing, no toy guns, he bought a cheap ass house in one of the worst hoods in my city and he NEVER let me take care of then kids by myself… prior to this I raised 2 girls with my ex that were her sisters, because she had a drug problem. I got married, I didn’t invite him but I also didn’t expect some sort of congratulations. Based off the conversation we had, he is out of my life and has been for 5 years. You gotta get off the fence and either make up or accept things for what they are, which is, the two of you are no longer compatible as humans. Once I accepted that, I’m fine, it goes away, just takes time.
Man I hope this hits you op. You are a trash human.
Holy shit, new low hit today folks!
No one to pick tomatoes, no ketchup. Problem solved.
Let’s all stand around and wring our hands and talk about what we should have done! Great jobs dems!
Leeeeeeeroyyyyyyyy uncle tommmmmmm!
That’s the gayest thing I’ve ever read.