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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • Though I am therefore no use in solving your problems, if I’ve avoided them. I’m using pyright, and ruff. I am using the lsp-pyright package, and it looks like I configured ruff with:

        :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection (lambda () (list "ruff-lsp")))
        :activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "python")
        :add-on? t
        :server-id 'ruff))

  • Since I work on large Python projects, use direnv to manage my environment, and lsp-mode, I thought I might be able to help, but reading your long message I can’t find any specific issue except it sounds like your LSP server is misbehaving.

    I do not get lagging or memory leaking in Emacs from using it. What process is getting large? Emacs or the LSP server? You don’t give us any clues.

  • That was so much my experience working with enthusiastic vim fanboys - they kept telling me “look at how awesome vim is, it can now do this!”, and I’d say, “er, yes, Emacs has always had that, I’ve been doing that since 1992”.

    They literally never came up with something unique to vim, but that never shook in their firm belief that vim was absolutely the best most powerful editor and Emacs was a joke.