I’m just saying I’ve seen plenty germans text that misspelling. “are we going to the wet tomorrow?” would be a classic misspelling of a German writing English
I’m just saying I’ve seen plenty germans text that misspelling. “are we going to the wet tomorrow?” would be a classic misspelling of a German writing English
In a perfect world, where all criminals white or blue are brought to justice under the same hammer, you would have a point and my heart.
But the world is not just; you know that, I know that, they know that.
it was probably written in a text
getting a handy in Germany is not what you think it is
dude, this is powerful trolling - congrats
I mean, dangling the concept of a moisture farming teen in front of us, and then dropping that entire cinematic arc in favour of some space wizard bullshit? Like, hello? Know your audience?
Rogue One and Andor are the only watchable things that have come out in the last few years.
Llama 90B was the last one I tested, I have no idea how the newer ones fare
Can you expand a bit? My understanding of boomer humour is that it’s sexist or racist, but I’m not seeing it here
So there’s real age/mindset-based tension in the trek community over series and/or generational themes - that a joke about nudity is a huge red flag?
your comment
wait, is this a joke now?
You lose that buff two weeks after acclimitizing to another country, and the perceived extra charisma is actually people nervously smiling around you to mask their limited english (half the language is just obscure idioms)
I’ll compromise: they’re about as politically neutral as the US democratic party is left-wing.
Hear, hear! (I’m old too)
Are you serious? The BBC are literally a government mouthpiece, with a subversive right-wing bias. When Labour is in power, they over-report every misdeed, and when the Tories are in power, they maybe raise an eyebrow as the country burns. The last BBC director was a major Tory who received a sizeable bribe from his party during his tenure.
There’s a version of Morrissey’s Irish Blood, English Heart that hit the radios before it was released, and it was waay better than what we actually got:
no weird comical sound effects, cleaner sound, the high guitar could be heard way better, and the ending riff was a harmonious one, not some eclectic free-for-all.
After years of believing I had hallucinated/mandela’d the whole thing, I finally found it:
Is that canon? I thought that was from the 2000s cartoon
You’re in a news grave, Peter!