• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2023


  • I would argue that the problem you are pointing out is cultural rather than biological. Humans are very well capable of living sustainably and respectfully and have done so for extended periods of times in different regions of the world. The endless consumtion of an ending earth seems like something that developed together with (e.g. western, capitalist, …) culture and ideology.

    We need to work on changing our collective mindset rather than attempt our own disappearance. Second part of argument: I believe we can. Humans are very capable to adapt and change. Not sure about collectives, but if you think you can convice a critical number of people to stop reproducing, I think you can do the same in convincing us to please fix our shit.

  • I notice and appreciate cool details. I’m spontaneous and up for things. I can get really excited. I will support your questionable life choices if your heart is in them. I have creative associations. I’m usually good at following other peoples’ thoughts. I collect useful junk as well as quotes and stuff. I usually carry a bunch of key items that might come in handy, like a lighter, a pen and a pocketknife.

  • Hello fellow struggler, I’m glad we are having this exchange. I’m currently sick with Covid (not bad, just annoying, that’s what you get for going out and meeting people lol). It helps me go a litte easier on myself though, as I have good reason to isolate an feel exhausted.

    As for my current Thing, I asked my best friend to help me and together, we made some decent progress. Especially when I have trouble reading messages because I am afraid they might contain something stressful (which of course doesn’t fix anything), it helps me to ask someone I trust to read them for me and tell me what they say. Stupid, I know, but the simpelest things can feel as hard as you let them sometimes…

    Anyways, I coloured something today and quite enjoyed it.

    monotI like one minute at a time, it can be a reminder that the past does not determine the future. Even though the last 200 Minutes weren’t so great, I can get up and make myself a cup of tea this minute.

    Can totally confirm sunlight, it helps to make myself sit in the sun even for a bit. I am lucky to have a balcony, so I don’t even need to leave the house, really.

    Digestionwise, I have had some good experiences adding some psyillium/flea seeds to my oats, but it might not be for you.

    I’ve been wondering about things I can do in better times to build some resources for when I’m struggeling. So far, I came up with stuff like having some proper meals at home that need little effort to prepare, as well as trying to build/practice good habits like journaling, mindfulness and light exercise. I’d be interested in further ideas, should you have any :)

    Hope you are continuing to get better, do not despair if you aren’t.

  • I discovered this community and your post today. A lot of what you wrote rings familiar to me. It’s a cycle I am always afraid of because I know how easy it is to slip in and how hard to get out.

    I start avoiding a thing and it just keeps growing, I don’t allow myself to do anything else really because the THING is still there. I distract myself with something irrelevant until I can’t stop because once I do I think about THE THING and anxiety and self-hate bubble up. Too avoid these feelings, I need to keep distracted until I am too tired to keep my eyes on the screen. By this time, morning light is already disturbing my exhausted sleep. I wake up at noon, dehydrated, and go right back to distracting.

    I think that everyone’s replies are magnificent, excerpts from them got copied to my collection of good advice. I hope today finds you ok and I want you to know that you are not alone in your struggles.

  • I do not behave the way I was two years ago, nor do other people, both in private and in public (Where I live, seeing someone wear a facemask has become the exception. Big concerts have been taken place for a while, etc.). Because of that (together with the subject not coming up a lot in news and conversation anymore, masks and rapid tests going on sale, … ), I had come to the conclusion that the situation had generally relaxed. Am I wrong? At the beginning of this, I was anxious another major outbreak would be imminent, but nothing horrible seemed to happen, so I sort of lowered my guard. (Took a test when I had a sore throat or before meeting certain people, sometimes wore a mask when on particularly crowded trains, but otherwise started to live more or less like ‘before’.) Is Covid still a big deal and I sort of missed it?