I think “The Bloke” takes requests for GUFF conversions. Might want to check hugging face.
I think “The Bloke” takes requests for GUFF conversions. Might want to check hugging face.
But, an executive order is not a permanent law and generally only lasts the length of Biden’s administration.
So let’s calm down for a second. This is a non-binding resolution. Biden could make a non-binding resolution that we all have to buy my little ponies. That doesn’t mean you have to buy a My Little pony. And you have to remember we have a pretty big war coming up. Not that it’s a great thing, but everyone’s going to be worried about something else for the next year or maybe 10. As soon as things get really exciting, they’re not going to worry about AI. The US government probably won’t pass a budget much less be able to agree on anything. So I would shore up the models you want to keep and invest in companies who are willing to build out and go their own way.
Control. You can have the control or you can let someone else have the control. Open source LLMs give The masses and other option. An option they don’t have to pay for. Your question is like saying why don’t you use Microsoft 360 instead of open office.