• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • India has a large population, that is incresingly becoming poor. We had a burgeoning middle-class. the middle-class is becoming poor, the poor are becoming poverty-stricken, and the poverty-stricken … Modi’s economic policies have pushed 80 crores of Indians to subsistence living, where they survive on 5 kgs of free rice a month. 2 weeks ago the Reserve bank of India released a report that said the personal savings & investments of Indians is at its lowest ever. Which means they’ve no money to spend.

    Leaders of Western countries want India to be on their side and provide resources and bases or their fight against China. Modi is on Modi’s side and is too afraid of China to even take its name since they invaded Ladakh in 2020. That’s 3 years of India’s PM being terrified to say ‘China’. He surrendered Galwan and 20+ of India’s patrolling points to China without a fight, without even lodging a diplomatic protest. He’s that terrified of them. And Western leaders think honouring him with Le Grand Croix de Legion de l’Honneur & a WH dinner will stiffen his spine. It’s only made him more repressive inside india and a bully to the West.

  • India’s External affarirs Minister, Jaishankar, is a hack. His agenda, as is the agenda of rest of Modi’s cabinet, is to make India’s PM Modi look like a strong man and Hindu messiah fo the domestic audience, no matter what happens to India on the global stage. If any action is taken against india, hee’ll scream western conspiracy against great Hindu leader Modi (he has started this), if no action is taken then he’ll claim that the world is scared of the great Hindu Vishwguru (world boss/teacher) Modi.

    After China invaded India’s Ladakh and beat our 20 soldiers to death, built a village in Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, 'he publicly kowtowed to China and refused to take any action against it. Is it any wonder that China’s official maps show the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese territory?

    World leaders, including leadersof the democratic developed West, have been tunring a blind eye to both Modi’s wave of violence against India’s Muslims & Christians. they’ve welcomed him, dined him, and honoured him with state honours while Modi’s Hindu supremacist govt & state-backed goons have burned & vandalised churches & mosques, destroyed Sufi shrines, burnt Bibles & Qurans, defamed, harassed, extorted, injured, imprisoned, and killed Indias Muslims & Christians.

    When a lady reporter of the WSJ questioned him on India’s communal violence, Modi’s troll army harassed her on social media. All the US did was say a few words in her support. No other action was taken. The world treats a genocidal megalomanic with kid gloves, appeases him, and then wonders why he thinks they’re all spineless?