I want to selfhost a messaging service for my family. It should be secure and have voice calling option, ideally. Thank you.

  • @rglullisA
    01 year ago

    The problem of XMPP is not hosting it, it’s the clients. Give me one easy-to-use guide to have

    • e2ee text messaging
    • groups
    • audio/video calling

    working equally well on desktop, Android and iOS, and I will gladly drop my matrix server.

    • @fox@lemmy.fakecake.org
      11 year ago

      exactly. in theory XMPP has everything required of a modern chat protocol, in practice however there are a void of clients which support necessary XEPs. there’s Conversations on android which is alright and that’s about it.

      Gajim is a bloatware monster, Dino is alpha-quality, and uhh. I think that’s it.